在 Excel 中显示与今天的日期或当前周匹配的列数据

在 Excel 中显示与今天的日期或当前周匹配的列数据

我有一张包含 15 列(包括日期列)的 Excel 工作表。是否可以将其复制到另一张工作表,该工作表仅显示包含今天日期的列/数据?或者显示星期几?




是一个数组公式,并且第二是 VBA 代码,用于过滤与当前日期匹配的记录。

{=IFERROR(INDEX(Sheet1!$A$4:$D$10, SMALL(IF(COUNTIF(Sheet1!$E$4, Sheet1!$A$4:$A$10), ROW(Sheet1!$A$4:$D$10)-MIN(ROW(Sheet1!$A$4:$D$10))+1), ROW(A1)), COLUMN(A1)),"")}


E4 是写有今日日期的单元格。使用以下公式完成公式Ctrl+Shift+Enter然后向右拖动直到所需的列,然后向下拖动。

如果您有大量数据范围最好使用此 VBA 代码。

Sub CopyRowWithCurrentDate()

    Dim xRgS As Range, xRgD As Range, xCell As Range
    Dim I As Long, xCol As Long, J As Long
    Dim xVal As Variant

    On Error Resume Next

    Set xRgS = Application.InputBox("Select the Date Column:", "Filter On Date", Selection.Address, , , , , 8)

    If xRgS Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Set xRgD = Application.InputBox("Select a destination cell:", "Filter On Date", , , , , , 8)

    If xRgD Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    xCol = xRgS.Rows.Count
    Set xRgS = xRgS(1)
    Application.CutCopyMode = False

    J = 0
    For I = 1 To xCol
        Set xCell = xRgS.Offset(I - 1, 0)
        xVal = xCell.Value

        If TypeName(xVal) = "Date" And (xVal <> "") And (xVal = Date) Then 'You should manipulate the days you are filtering by typing accurate days!
            xCell.EntireRow.Copy xRgD.Offset(J, 0)
            J = J + 1
        End If


    Application.CutCopyMode = True

End Sub

