我有一台装有 solaris11.4 的服务器,两个网卡,我用它来测试、学习等。我有一个网络,经典的,但对于虚拟机,我想使用另一个网络,因此我遵循此程序
a)首先我要创建一个带有 net1 和 net0 的桥,否则 net1 将开始“断开连接”
dladm create-bridge -l net0 -l net1 bridge1
b)然后我为 net1 配置 ipv4 addr
ipadm create-ip net1
ipadm create-addr -T static -a net1
ipadm 和 dladm 没有报告错误
c)然后我在 solaris11 服务器上运行 isc-dhcp 和 isc-dns 一切正常,经过测试,我可以解析外部主机名和 dhcp 分配地址
d)我已经安装了 VirtualBox,桥接网络指向 net1 的机器
e)我已经使用 nat 配置了防火墙
webports="{443, 80}"
## make IP reassembly work
set reassemble yes no-df
## ignore loopback traffic
set skip on lo0
# block everything unless told otherwise
# and send TCP-RST/ICMP unreachable
# for every packet which gets blocked
block return in log all
pass out all
# accept incoming SSH connections
pass in proto tcp to any port 2122
# accept dhcp connections
pass in proto udp to any port 67:69
pass in proto tcp to any port 67:69
# accept dns connections
pass in proto udp to any port 53
pass in proto tcp to any port 53
# accept webeservers SSH connections
pass in proto tcp to $ext_if port 8888:8889
pass in proto tcp to $ext_if port $webports
# accept icmp
pass in proto icmp all
## allow all connections initiated from this system,
## including DHCP requests
pass out
pass out on net0 from $int_net to any nat-to (net0)
f)使用 routeadm 我已启用路由和 ip 转发。
我可以从 ping 正常 我可以从 虚拟机 ping 正常 我可以从 虚拟机 ping 外部地址(google.de 等) 正常 我无法从虚拟机使用任何协议连接!! 不正常 当然,我已经使用 netstat -rn 检查了路由,并显示 默认(正确)。但 telnet、links、yum 和任何类型的连接都失败!只有 ping 和 dns 解析有效(原文如此!)要检查什么?
找到解决方案:防火墙限制过多。我使用这个 /etc/firewall/pf.conf,运行良好,没有问题。
# Vars
webports="{443, 80}"
## make IP reassembly work
set reassemble yes no-df
## ignore loopback traffic
set skip on lo0
# block everything unless told otherwise
# and send TCP-RST/ICMP unreachable
# for every packet which gets blocked
block return in log all
pass out all
# Pass
pass in on $int_if proto tcp from $ext_net to any keep state
pass in on $int_if proto udp from $ext_net to any keep state
pass in on $int_if proto tcp from $int_net to any keep state
pass in on $int_if proto udp from $int_net to any keep state
# accept incoming SSH connections
pass in proto tcp from any to $ext_if port 22
# accept dhcp connections
pass in proto udp to any port 67:69
pass in proto tcp to any port 67:69
# accept dns connections
pass in proto udp to any port 53
pass in proto tcp to any port 53
# accept webeservers connections
pass in proto tcp to $ext_if port $webports
# accept icmp
pass in proto icmp all
## allow all connections initiated from this system,
## including DHCP requests
pass out
pass out on net0 from $int_net to any nat-to (net0)