如何修复 Fallout 和 RIDL?

如何修复 Fallout 和 RIDL?

我安装了 intel-microcode,但是当我使用 ./spectre-meltdown-checker.sh 时我得到了这个

CVE-2018-12127 aka 'RIDL, microarchitectural load port data sampling (MLPDS)'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface:  NO  (Vulnerable: Clear CPU buffers attempted, no microcode; SMT disabled)
* Kernel supports using MD_CLEAR mitigation:  YES  (found md_clear implementation evidence in kernel image)
* Kernel mitigation is enabled and active:  NO 
* SMT is either mitigated or disabled:  YES 
> STATUS:  VULNERABLE  (Vulnerable: Clear CPU buffers attempted, no microcode; SMT disabled)

我如何解决它 ?我不明白

  sudo ./spectre-meltdown-checker.sh | grep 'CPU microcode is'
[sudo] password for user: 
  * CPU microcode is known to cause stability problems:  NO  (model 0x2d family 0x6 stepping 0x7 ucode 0x710 cpuid 0x206d7)
  * CPU microcode is the latest known available version:  NO  (latest version is 0x714 dated 2018/05/08 according to builtin MCExtractor DB v112 - 2019/05/22)
IBPB is considered as a good addition to retpoline for Variant 2 mitigation, but your CPU microcode doesn't support it
> STATUS:  VULNERABLE  (an up-to-date CPU microcode is needed to mitigate this vulnerability)


sudo apt install intel-microcode
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
intel-microcode is already the newest version (3.20180807a.2~deb9u1).


您是否在 /etc/apt/sources.list 中的安全存储库中启用了非免费功能?

deb http://security.debian.org/ stretch/updates main contrib non-free

如果没有,请启用非免费的 apt-get update,然后再次安装 intel-microcode。它将安装一个新包。重新启动并再次尝试 spectre-meltdown-checker。


你的CPU需要微码0x718来修复Fallout和RIDL;这被添加intel-microcode20190618 更新,当您上次更新时,它在您配置的存储库中不可用。

现在已经有了已作为 Debian 9 的安全更新推送,并且您应该在下次运行时获得升级

apt update && apt upgrade


