桥接网络的 VirtualBox 无法启动

桥接网络的 VirtualBox 无法启动

我在使用桥接网络启动虚拟机(上面装有 WinXP)时遇到问题。在正常的 NAT 连接下一切正常。

我搜索了一下,找到了可能的解决方案,但在我发现的每个“解决方案”中都包含“启用 <VirtualBox NDIS6 桥接网络驱动程序>”,但在我的计算机上它已经启用并且不起作用。


  • 中央处理器:英特尔® 酷睿™ i5-7600K 处理器(启用虚拟化)
  • 显卡:Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
  • 内存:2x 8GB
  • 操作系统:Windows 10 64 位(目前正在使用)和 Linux Mint 18.2
  • 网卡:Killer E2400千兆网卡


Windows 网络配置




VirtualBox VM 5.2.12 r122591 win.amd64 (May  9 2018 10:42:46) release log
00:00:04.102217 Log opened 2018-05-23T16:47:05.787120600Z
00:00:04.102218 Build Type: release
00:00:04.102220 OS Product: Windows 10
00:00:04.102221 OS Release: 10.0.16299
00:00:04.102222 OS Service Pack: 
00:00:04.135313 DMI Product Name: MS-7977
00:00:04.138033 DMI Product Version: 1.0
00:00:04.138041 Host RAM: 16344MB (15.9GB) total, 11158MB (10.8GB) available
00:00:04.138043 Executable: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VirtualBox.exe
00:00:04.138044 Process ID: 3760
00:00:04.138044 Package type: WINDOWS_64BITS_GENERIC
00:00:04.139500 Installed Extension Packs:
00:00:04.139558   None installed!
00:00:04.140255 Console: Machine state changed to 'Starting'
00:00:04.274430 Qt version: 5.6.2
00:00:05.559413 VD: Opening the disk took 339968 ns
00:00:05.559551 PIIX3 ATA: LUN#0: disk, PCHS=16383/16/63, total number of sectors 20971520
00:00:05.559562 PIIX3 ATA: LUN#1: no unit
00:00:05.559597 DrvVD: Flushes will be ignored
00:00:05.559603 DrvVD: Async flushes will be passed to the disk
00:00:05.559664 VD: Opening the disk took 55052 ns
00:00:05.559838 PIIX3 ATA: LUN#2: CD/DVD, total number of sectors 28309, passthrough disabled
00:00:05.559848 PIIX3 ATA: LUN#3: no unit
00:00:05.559887 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#0: finished processing RESET
00:00:05.559903 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#1: finished processing RESET
00:00:05.560077 IntNet#0: szNetwork={HostInterfaceNetworking-VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter} enmTrunkType=3 szTrunk={\DEVICE\{BFB9A6EF-150D-4916-8379-188DAD594137}} fFlags=0x8000 cbRecv=325632 cbSend=196608 fIgnoreConnectFailure=false
00:00:05.560123 VMSetError: F:\tinderbox\win-5.2\src\VBox\Devices\Network\DrvIntNet.cpp(1768) int __cdecl drvR3IntNetConstruct(struct PDMDRVINS *,struct CFGMNODE *,unsigned int); rc=VERR_INTNET_FLT_IF_NOT_FOUND
00:00:05.560213 VMSetError: Failed to open/create the internal network 'HostInterfaceNetworking-VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter'
00:00:05.560247 PDM: Failed to construct 'pcnet'/0! VERR_INTNET_FLT_IF_NOT_FOUND (-3600) - The networking interface to filter was not found.
00:00:05.633348 ERROR [COM]: aRC=E_FAIL (0x80004005) aIID={872da645-4a9b-1727-bee2-5585105b9eed} aComponent={ConsoleWrap} aText={Failed to open/create the internal network 'HostInterfaceNetworking-VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter' (VERR_INTNET_FLT_IF_NOT_FOUND)}, preserve=false aResultDetail=0
00:00:05.633674 Console: Machine state changed to 'PoweredOff'
00:00:05.756661 Power up failed (vrc=VERR_INTNET_FLT_IF_NOT_FOUND, rc=E_FAIL (0X80004005))
00:00:06.256859 GUI: Aborting startup due to power up progress issue detected...
00:00:06.635508 OpenGL Error: Render SPU: (MakeCurrent) failed to make 0xb401123a, 0x10000 current with 0x6 error.
00:00:06.639233 crUtil DLL unloaded.


在我注意到我的虚拟机无法启动后,我将模式更改为“仅主机适配器”,并在文件 -> 主机网络管理器。这个方法有效,但我没有网络连接。因此,我决定重新安装 VirtualBox,结果:没有变化。



就我而言,我有一个“Killer E2400 千兆以太网”,并且必须禁用“Killer 带宽控制”Windows 网络连接为我的网卡安装此软件以防止启动时出现 BSOD。现在一切都正常了。
