我试图一次输出几个消息框,我确实这样做了。但是当我尝试只输出其中一个时,什么也没发生:我将只显示那些不起作用的消息框。如果单元格值为整数且不在 6 到 72 之间,我只想显示这些消息框:
5.字体大小必须是 6 到 72 之间的整数
6.段落间距必须是 6 到 72 之间的整数
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim cell As Range
Dim cell2 As Range
Dim i As Integer
Dim cellVal As Integer
Dim cellVal2 As Integer
Dim sCellVal As String
Dim a As Variant
Dim rngcheck As Range
Dim rngcheck2 As Range
sCellVal = Range("A2").Value
cellVal = Range("B3").Value
cellVal2 = Range("B4").Value
If Not cellVal = (6 < 72) Then
Cancel = True
mess = mess & vbCrLf & "Font Size must be an integer from 6 till 72"
End If
If Not cellVal2 = (6 < 72) Then
Cancel = True
mess = mess & vbCrLf & "Paragraph Spacing Before must be an integer from 6 till 72"
End If
If mess <> "" Then MsgBox mess
End Sub
If Not cellVal = (6 < 72) Then
If cellVal < 6 Or cellVal > 72 Then
对 执行相同操作cellVal2