


Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
PINGFlag = Not CBool(WshShell.run("ping contoso.com -n 1 " & vSystemIdentifier,0,True))
      If PINGFlag = True Then
         'Successful ping
    'WScript.Echo "Connectivity to domain confirm."
    Call Password
         'Unsuccessful ping
    'WScript.Echo "No Connectivity to domain password check cancelled."
      End If

Function Password()

    ' First, get the domain policy.
    Dim oDomain
    Dim oUser
    Dim maxPwdAge
    Dim numDays
    Dim warningDays

    warningDays = 15

    Set LoginInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")  
    Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & LoginInfo.UserName & "")  
    strDomainDN = UCase(LoginInfo.DomainDNSName) 
    strUserDN = LoginInfo.UserName

    Set oDomain = GetObject("LDAP://" & strDomainDN)
    Set maxPwdAge = oDomain.Get("maxPwdAge")

    ' Calculate the number of days that are
    ' held in this value.
    numDays = CCur((maxPwdAge.HighPart * 2 ^ 32) + _
                    maxPwdAge.LowPart) / CCur(-864000000000)
    'WScript.Echo "Maximum Password Age: " & numDays

    ' Determine the last time that the user
    ' changed his or her password.
    Set oUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & strUserDN)

    ' Add the number of days to the last time
    ' the password was set.
    whenPasswordExpires = DateAdd("d", numDays, oUser.PasswordLastChanged)
    fromDate = Date
    daysLeft = DateDiff("d",fromDate,whenPasswordExpires)

    'WScript.Echo "Password Last Changed: " & oUser.PasswordLastChanged

    if (daysLeft < warningDays) and (daysLeft > -1) then
        Msgbox "Password Expires in " & daysLeft & " day(s)" & " at " & whenPasswordExpires & chr(13) & chr(13) & "Press CTRL-ALT-DEL and" & chr(13) & "select the 'Change a password' option" & chr(13) & "Please allow enough time for password change to take effect," & chr(13) & "minimum of 15 minutes before disconnecting", 0, "PASSWORD EXPIRATION WARNING!"
    End if

    ' Clean up.
    Set oUser = Nothing
    Set maxPwdAge = Nothing
    Set oDomain = Nothing
End Function



最初由马克·K/马克-K作为对 Server Fault 和 Microsoft TechNet 论坛上的帖子的回复,这两个论坛自您发布的版本以来都已收到更新。您在问题中包含的版本还包含 Mark K 发布的版本中不存在的一些修改。

作为参考,以下是相关链接服务器故障答案,并且原来的&更新TechNet 论坛上的帖子。

另外,我还找到了此脚本弹出的屏幕截图发布经过吉藤在 Spiceworks 论坛上:
密码过期警告:(i)您的密码将在 4 天后过期,即 2014 年 4 月 10 日下午 2:03:42 按 CTRL + ALT + DEL 并选择“更改密码”选项。[确定]
