将其放入工作簿中合并结果所在的常规 vba 模块中。
Option Explicit
' Add a dialogue (Application.FileDialog) for file selection
' and InputBox for sheet selection
' Or a Form to select the files & their respective sheets.
Private Const wbName1 = "file1.xlsx"
Private Const wsName1 = "Sheet1"
Private Const wbName2 = "file2.xlsx"
Private Const wsName2 = "Sheet1"
Private Const wbName3 = "file3.xlsx"
Private Const wsName3 = "Sheet1"
Private Const cStart = "A2" ' data colum and row start
Private Const outputSheet = "Sheet1"
Public Sub MergeFiles()
Dim wbName(0 To 2) As String, wsName(0 To 2) As String
Dim r(0 To 2) As Range
Dim c(1 To 7) As Collection
Dim z As Long
Dim w As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim startColumn As String
Dim errorNo As Long
Dim a As Variant, b As Variant, v As Variant
For i = 7 To 1 Step -1
Set c(i) = New Collection
Next i
wbName(0) = wbName1: wbName(1) = wbName2: wbName(2) = wbName3
wsName(0) = wsName1: wsName(1) = wsName2: wsName(2) = wsName3
startColumn = Split(Range(cStart).Address(True, False), "$")(0)
For w = 0 To 2
On Error Resume Next
Workbooks.Open fileName:=wbName(w), ReadOnly:=True
On Error Resume Next
With Workbooks.Item(Right(wbName(w), Len(wbName(w)) - InStrRev(wbName(w), _
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
On Error GoTo 0
MsgBox "Could not open workbook file " & w + 1 & ": '" & wbName(w) & "'"
CloseAll r
Exit Sub
End If
Set r(w) = .Range(cStart, startColumn & _
End With
Next w
On Error GoTo 0
For w = 0 To 2
For i = 1 To r(w).Count
If r(w)(i) <> "" Then
a = Application.Match(r(w)(i), r((w + 1) Mod 3), 0)
b = Application.Match(r(w)(i), r((w + 2) Mod 3), 0)
If w = 0 Then
If Not IsError(a) Then
If Not IsError(b) Then
c(7).Add Array(i, a, b)
c(6).Add Array(i, a, 0)
End If
ElseIf Not IsError(b) Then
c(5).Add Array(i, 0, b)
c(3).Add Array(i, 0, 0)
End If
ElseIf w = 1 Then
If IsError(b) Then
If Not IsError(a) Then
c(4).Add Array(0, i, a)
c(2).Add Array(0, i, 0)
End If
End If
ElseIf IsError(a) And IsError(b) Then
c(1).Add Array(0, 0, i)
End If
End If
Next i
Next w
z = 3
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(outputSheet).Range("A1")
For w = 0 To 2
.Cells(1, w * 5 + 1) = r(w).Parent.Parent.Name
Next w
For w = 0 To 2
For j = 1 To 3
.Cells(2, w * 5 + j) = r(w).Cells(0, j) ' column header
Next j
Next w
z = 3
For i = 7 To 1 Step -1
For Each v In c(i)
For w = 0 To 2
If v(w) <> 0 Then
For j = 1 To 3
.Cells(z, w * 5 + j) = r(w).Cells(v(w), j)
Next j
End If
Next w
z = z + 1
Next v
Next i
End With
CloseAll r
End Sub
Private Sub CloseAll(ByRef r() As Range)
Dim w As Variant
For Each w In r
If Not w Is Nothing Then
With w.Parent.Parent
On Error Resume Next
If .Saved Then .Close
End With
End If
Next w
End Sub