Powershell 和正则表达式:Notepad++“保存时备份”文件列表。编辑名称,按最后写入时间排序

Powershell 和正则表达式:Notepad++“保存时备份”文件列表。编辑名称,按最后写入时间排序
# Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.648] 
# powershell 5.1.17134.48
# Calculate time to complete task using Notepad++ "backup on save" feature.  Create a copy and paste table of files sorted by LastWriteTime.    
# Can be used as a shortcut: powershell -noexit $time = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1); gci * -exclude _*, 1* | where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $time}| sort -property LastWriteTime -descending | Format-Table LastWriteTime, length, @{n='foo';e={$_.Name -replace '(?<=^.*\.html).*$' -replace '(?<=^.*\.jpg).*$'}} -HideTableHeaders
# start it in %userprofile%\Documents\NOTEPAD++ AUTOBACKUP
Set-Location -Path "$env:userprofile\Documents\NOTEPAD++ AUTOBACKUP"
# how old a file? Today? 4 days old?
$time = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1)
# $time = (Get-Date).AddDays(-4)
# do you want to exclude files with -exclude? Do you want to include with -include?
gci * -exclude _*, 1* | where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $time}| sort -property LastWriteTime -descending | Format-Table LastWriteTime, length, @{n='foo';e={$_.Name -replace '(?<=^.*\.html).*$' -replace '(?<=^.*\.jpg).*$'}} -HideTableHeaders
gci * -exclude _*, 1* | where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $time} | sort -property LastWriteTime -descending | Format-Table LastWriteTime, length, Name -HideTableHeaders
# gci * | where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $time} | sort -property LastWriteTime -descending | Format-Table LastWriteTime, length, @{n='foo';e={$_.Name -replace '(?<=^.*\.html).*$' -replace '(?<=^.*\.jpg).*$'}} -HideTableHeaders
# gci * -include [0-9][0-9][0-9]*, avail* | where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $time} | sort -property LastWriteTime -descending | Format-Table LastWriteTime, length, @{n='foo';e={$_.Name -replace '(?<=^.*\.html).*$' -replace '(?<=^.*\.jpg).*$'}} -HideTableHeaders


5/4/2019 10  :  47  :  27 AM  114036 springhill_falls2bd750_885.jpg
5/4/2019 10  :  45  :  25 AM 1301974 springhill_falls2bd750_885.psp
5/4/2019 10  :  37  :  08 AM   19268 springhill_falls2bd13.html
5/4/2019 10  :  37  :  08 AM   94007 available13.html
5/4/2019 10  :  37  :  08 AM   36729 index.html
5/4/2019 10  :  32  :  16 AM   62801 aj.php


5/4/2019 10  :  47  :  27 AM  114036 springhill_falls2bd750_885.jpg.2019-05-04_104748.bak
5/4/2019 10  :  45  :  25 AM 1301974 springhill_falls2bd750_885.psp.2019-05-04_105221.bak
5/4/2019 10  :  37  :  08 AM   19268 springhill_falls2bd13.html.2019-05-04_105856.bak
5/4/2019 10  :  37  :  08 AM   94007 available13.html.2019-05-04_105657.bak
5/4/2019 10  :  37  :  08 AM   36729 index.html.2019-05-04_105657.bak
5/4/2019 10  :  32  :  16 AM   62801 aj.php.2019-05-04_103229.bak

Microsoft Windows [版本 10.0.17134.648]
powershell 5.1.17134.48

使用 Notepad++ / NPP / Notepad Plus 的“保存时备份”功能计算完成任务的时间。

创建按 LastWriteTime 排序的文件复制和粘贴表。


powershell -noexit $time = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1); gci * -exclude _*, 1* |
    where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $time} | sort -property LastWriteTime -descending |
    Format-Table LastWriteTime, length, @{n='foo';e={$_.Name
    -replace '(?<=^.*\.html).*$' -replace '(?<=^.*\.jpg).*$'}} -HideTableHeaders

在 NPP 自动备份所在的目录中启动它。我的文件备份到%userprofile%\Documents\NOTEPAD++ AUTOBACKUP


有关正则表达式的信息,请参阅下面的 LotPings 答案。


我会使用正则表达式零长度后行断言删除之后的所有html 内容$_.Name


Get-ChildItem -File | 
  Format-Table @{n='foo';e={$_.Name -replace '(?<=^.*\.html).*$'}},Name -HideTableHeaders


available13.html available13.html.2019-03-26_081523.bak
index.html       index.html.2019-03-26_081538.bak



$time = (Get-Date).AddDays(-4)
$files = gci * -include index*,avail* | where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $time}
foreach ($f in $files) {
    $f | Add-Member noteproperty newName -Value `
             $f.Name.Substring(0, $f.Name.Length - ".yyyy-mm-dd_iiiiii.bak".Length)
$files | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders newName,Length,LastWriteTime

请注意,上面的代码片段假设您的姓名始终以 结尾.yyyy-mm-dd_iiiiii.bak。如果它们有其他格式,那么您必须在问题中包含该信息,并且您可能需要使用其他字符串方法(如 replace、substring...)来删除不必要的部分
