通过 S3 Generic 访问 Google Cloud Storage Bucket 时出现 403 错误

通过 S3 Generic 访问 Google Cloud Storage Bucket 时出现 403 错误

我正在尝试通过 Updraft plus Wordpress 插件将我们网站网络的备份保存到 Google Cloud Storare Nearline Bucket。该插件声称已成功连接到我的存储桶。


但是,当我尝试上传备份时,出现 403 禁止错误。我需要在 Google 管理控制台中执行某些操作吗?我需要授予某些权限吗?我找不到任何有用的东西 :/


0039.941 (0) Saving backup history. Total backup size: 366.7 MB
0039.955 (0) Requesting upload of the files that have not yet been successfully uploaded (5)
0039.960 (0) Cloud backup selection (1/1): s3generic with instance (1/1) (last)
0039.961 (0) Beginning dispatch of backup to remote (s3generic) (instance identifier s-f1ecbdca7de6aada6eb49815ca9374ca)
0040.371 (0) S3-Compatible (Generic): Set endpoint: storage.googleapis.com
0040.373 (0) S3-Compatible (Generic): upload (n/a): backup_2019-04-01-1218_Pando_Media_b5f0f2c0e14e-plugins.zip (chunks: 4) -> s3generic://pando-media-backups/backup_2019-04-01-1218_Pando_Media_b5f0f2c0e14e-plugins.zip
0040.437 (0) S3-Compatible (Generic): exception (UpdraftPlus_S3Exception) whilst trying initiateMultipartUpload: **UpdraftPlus_S3::initiateMultipartUpload(): [403] Unexpected HTTP status (line: 586, file: /var/www/ud07_1/html/pando/wp-content/plugins/updraftplus/includes/S3.php)**
0040.439 (0) S3-Compatible (Generic): upload: failed: could not get uploadId for multipart upload (backup_2019-04-01-1218_Pando_Media_b5f0f2c0e14e-plugins.zip)
0040.440 (0) An error condition has occurred for the first time during this job


