使用正则表达式查找不包含 \texttt{ 但包含另一个字符串的字符串

使用正则表达式查找不包含 \texttt{ 但包含另一个字符串的字符串

我在 tex 文件中有一些变量应该括在 中,\texttt{}但实际上却没有。它们通常是用下划线分隔的两个单词:word1_word2。我可以使用带有 的正则表达式找到这些变量[\w]*\\_[\w]*。但是,我只想找到这些变量未被 括起来的实例\texttt{},并将其替换为\texttt{[\w]*\\_[\w]}


我正在使用 Libre Office Writer。


  • 寻找:?<!(\{.*)\b([:alnum:])+\\_([:alnum:])+\b(?!\})
  • 代替:\\texttt{$0}

如您所见,它显示未找到搜索关键字,而在最后三个中,\itemsnew\_IDnew\_codenew\_storage的实例未包含在 中\texttt{},而在每个相同的 中,\item还有 中每个实例的另一个实例\texttt{},以及其他文本。我希望它用 、 等替换这些实例。\texttt{new\_ID}请注意每行末尾的变化:


    \item \texttt{Change\_ID(ID, new\_ID):} Changes the ID of the object with the given ID to new\_ID.
    \item \texttt{Change\_code(ID, new\_code):} Changes the code of the object with the given ID to new\_code.
    \item \texttt{Change\_storage(ID, new\_storage):} Changes the storage of the object with the given ID to new\_storage.


    \item \texttt{Change\_ID(ID, new\_ID):} Changes the ID of the object with the given ID to \texttt{new\_ID}.
    \item \texttt{Change\_code(ID, new\_code):} Changes the code of the object with the given ID to \texttt{new\_code}.
    \item \texttt{Change\_storage(ID, new\_storage):} Changes the storage of the object with the given ID to \texttt{new\_storage}.




这是一个可行的解决方案,但它每行仅替换 1 个出现的情况。如果有些行出现超过 1 次,则必须按Replace all多次。

  • 寻找:^(.*?)((?<!\{)\b\w+\\_\w+\b(?!\}))
  • 代替:$1\\texttt{$2}


^                   # begining of line
    (.*?)           # group 1, 0 or more any character but newline, not greedy
    (               # start group 2
        (?<!\{)     # negative lookbehind, make sure we haven't "{" before
        \b          # word boundary
        \w+         # 1 or more word characters
        \\_         # an escaped underscore
        \w+         # 1 or more word characters
        \b          # word boundary
        (?!\})      # negative lookahead, make sure we haven't "}" after
    )               # end group 2




对于 LibreOffice Writer 以及 notepadqq 或 sublimeText 等编辑器来说,此类工作所需的正则表达式过于复杂。

它可以与 Notepad++ 一起使用,但是由于您是 Linux 用户,我建议您使用以下 Perl 单行命令:

perl -ape 's/^.*?\{.*?\}(*SKIP)(*FAIL)|(.*?)((?<!\{)\b\w+\\_\w+\b(?!\}))/$1\\texttt{$2}/g' file

perl -i.bak -ape ...如果你想替换文件,可以使用,原始文件将以扩展名备份.back


\item \texttt{Change\_ID(ID, new\_ID):} Changes the ID of the object with the given ID to \texttt{new\_ID}.
\item \texttt{Change\_code(ID, new\_code):} Changes the code of the object with the given ID to \texttt{new\_code}.
\item \texttt{Change\_storage(ID, new\_storage):} Changes the storage of the object with the given ID to \texttt{new\_storage}.


s/                  # substitute
  ^                 # begining of line
    .*?\{.*?\}      # 0 or more any character followed by 0 or more character between curly braces
    (*SKIP)(*FAIL)  # if found, forget it
  |                 # OR
    (.*?)           # group 1, 0 or more any character but newline, not greedy
    (               # start group 2
        (?<!\{)     # negative lookbehind, make sure we haven't "{" before
        \b          # word boundary
        \w+         # 1 or more word characters
        \\_         # an escaped underscore
        \w+         # 1 or more word characters
        \b          # word boundary
        (?!\})      # negative lookahead, make sure we haven't "}" after
    )               # end group 2
/                   # delimiter, replace with:
    $1              # content of group 1
    \\texttt{$2}    # suround group 2
/g                  # global replacement
