我正在升级 AIX 7.1 中的内部软件包。升级 db 包后,使用db-6.2.32-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm
AIX 工具箱页面rpm
命令不再起作用。我检查过这些文件,它们存在于服务器上。我应该如何恢复 rpm,因为我在 www.rpm 上找不到任何信息。错误消息如下所示。
# updtvpkg
Please wait...Could not load program /usr/opt/freeware/bin/rpm:
Dependent module libdb.so could not be loaded.
Could not load module libdb.so.
System error: No such file or directory
Could not load program /usr/opt/freeware/bin/rpm:
Dependent module libdb.so could not be loaded.
Could not load module libdb.so.
System error: No such file or directory
Could not load program /usr/opt/freeware/bin/rpm:
Dependent module libdb.so could not be loaded.
Could not load module libdb.so.
System error: No such file or directory
Could not load program /usr/bin/rpmbuild:
Dependent module libdb.so could not be loaded.
Could not load module libdb.so.
System error: No such file or directory
# rpm version
Could not load program /usr/opt/freeware/bin/rpm:
Dependent module libdb.so could not be loaded.
Could not load module libdb.so.
System error: No such file or directory
exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program /usr/opt/freeware/bin/rpm because of the following errors:
0509-150 Dependent module libdb.so could not be loaded.
0509-022 Cannot load module libdb.so.
0509-026 System error: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
由于缺少的 libdb.so 文件是由rpm包,您需要重新安装 rpm。您需要切换OVERWRITE same or newer versions