目前,当我使用 ffap 命令时,它适用于:
现在我找到了与此相关的邮件列表(这里) 但我认为这只解决了反斜杠的问题。我是否必须向 ffap-string-at-point 变量添加一些内容?
ffap-string-at-point-mode-alist is a variable defined in ‘ffap.el’.
Its value is ((file "--:\\\\${}+<>@-Z_[:alpha:]~*?" "<@" "@>;.,!:")
(url "--:=&?$+@-Z_[:alpha:]~#,%;*()!'" "^[0-9a-zA-Z]" ":;.,!?")
(nocolon "--9$+<>@-Z_[:alpha:]~" "<@" "@>;.,!?")
(machine "-[:alnum:]." "" ".")
(math-mode ",-:$+<>@-Z_[:lower:]~`" "<" "@>;.,!?`:")
(latex-mode "--:\\\\$+<>@-Z_[:alpha:]~*?" "<@" "@>;.,!:")
(tex-mode "--:\\\\$+<>@-Z_[:alpha:]~*?" "<@" "@>;.,!:"))
This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.
Alist of (MODE CHARS BEG END), where MODE is a symbol,
possibly a major-mode name, or one of the symbols
‘file’, ‘url’, ‘machine’, and ‘nocolon’.
Function ‘ffap-string-at-point’ uses the data fields as follows:
1. find a maximal string of CHARS around point,
2. strip BEG chars before point from the beginning,
3. strip END chars after point from the end.
The arguments CHARS, BEG and END are handled as described in