msfconsole 错误 — “未创建会话”

msfconsole 错误 — “未创建会话”

我尝试在 msfconsole 上打开一个会话但它给出了一个错误:



更多背景信息总是有用的,但根据Rapid7 的 KB 中的此页面

The "no session was created" message occurs if one of the following happens:

1. The exploit you use doesn't work against the target you selected. Could be the
   exploit is for a different version, there is a problem with the exploit code, or
   there is a problem with the target configuration.

2. The exploit you use was configured to use a payload that doesn't create an
   interactive session. In this case, the framework has no way of knowing
   whether the exploited worked, because it doesn't receive a connection from the
   target when its successful (for example, running notepad).

If you try the reverse payload, get that message, and the target service doesn't
crash, make sure your target settings are correct, and that the target system is
running the right version of vulnerable software.
