如何保存从对象执行的 Powershell 命令的输出格式?

如何保存从对象执行的 Powershell 命令的输出格式?


我希望看到在对象方法内部执行的 powershell 命令的输出,就像当它们不在对象内部时我看到它们“实时/正在发生时”一样。


为了说明这种不受欢迎的差异,我将展示 2 个脚本,第一个脚本显示命令的输出,第二个脚本不显示。这两个脚本都是通过打开 powershell、浏览到它们的目录并使用以下命令运行的./<scriptname>.ps1

  1. 考虑scriptA.ps1内容:
lxrun /install /y


Warning: lxrun.exe is only used to configure the legacy Windows
Subsystem for Linux distribution. Distributions can be installed by
visiting the Windows Store: https://aka.ms/wslstore

This will install Ubuntu on Windows, distributed by Canonical and
licensed under its terms available here: https://aka.ms/uowterms

The legacy Windows Subsystem for Linux distribution is already
  1. scriptB.ps1内容:
# runs single command
Class Object{
        lxrun /install /y

# create object
[Object] $object = [Object]::new()

# execute command in method runCommand() of [Object] object



所有尝试均在以下脚本中进行,位于以下行:<command here>

# runs single command
Class Object{
        `<command here>`
  1. 线:
Write-Output (lxrun /install /y)


  1. 线:
Write-Host (lxrun /install /y)


W a r n i n g :   l x r u n . e x e   i s   o n l y   u s e d   t o  
c o n f i g u r e   t h e   l e g a c y   W i n d o w s   S u b s y s
t e m   f o r   L i n u x   d i s t r i b u t i o n .       D i s t r
i b u t i o n s   c a n   b e   i n s t a l l e d   b y   v i s i t i
n g   t h e   W i n d o w s   S t o r e :       h t t p s : / / a k a
. m s / w s l s t o r e             T h i s   w i l l   i n s t a l l 
U b u n t u   o n   W i n d o w s ,   d i s t r i b u t e d   b y   C
a n o n i c a l   a n d   l i c e n s e d   u n d e r   i t s   t e r
m s   a v a i l a b l e   h e r e :         h t t p s : / / a k a . m
s / u o w t e r m s             T h e   l e g a c y   W i n d o w s  
S u b s y s t e m   f o r   L i n u x   d i s t r i b u t i o n   i s 
a l r e a d y   i n s t a l l e d . 
  1. 线:
Write-Host (lxrun /install /y) | Out-Host

结果输出:与尝试 2 相同。

  1. 线:
Write-Host (lxrun /install /y) | Out-Default

结果输出:与尝试 2 相同。

  1. 线:
Write-Host (lxrun /install /y) | Out-String

结果输出:与尝试 2 相同

  1. 线:
write-verbose (lxrun /install /y)


Write-Verbose : Cannot convert 'System.Object[]' to the type 'System.String' required by parameter 'Message'.
Specified method is not supported.
At F:\path to example script\example.ps1:30 char:23
+         write-verbose (lxrun /install /y)
+                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [Write-Verbose], ParameterBindingException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CannotConvertArgument,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteVerboseCommand
  1. 线:
write-verbose (lxrun /install /y) -Verbose

结果输出:与 6 相同(除了发生错误的行包含 -Verbose)

  1. 线:
(lxrun /install /y) | Write-Host


o   c o n f i g u r e   t h e   l e g a c y  W i n d o w s   S u b s y
s t e m   f o r   L i n u x   d i s t r i b u t i o n .

 D i s t r i b u t i o n s   c a n   b e   i n s t a l l e d   b y   v
i s i t i n g   t h e   W i n d o w s   S t o r e :

 h t t p s : / / a k a . m s / w s l s t o r e

 T h i s   w i l l   i n s t a l l   U b u n t u   o n   W i n d o w s
,   d i s t r i b u t e d   b y   C a n o n i c a l   a n d   l i c e
n s e d   u n d e r   i t s   t e r m s   a v a i l a b l e   h e r e

 h t t p s : / / a k a . m s / u o w t e r m s

 T h e   l e g a c y   W i n d o w s   S u b s y s t e m   f o r   L i
n u x   d i s t r i b u t i o n   i s   a l r e a d y   i n s t a l l
e d . ```
  1. 线:
Write-Verbose -Message (lxrun /install /y)


Write-Verbose : Cannot convert 'System.Object[]' to the type 'System.String' required by parameter 'Message'. Specified method is not supported.
At G:/path to file\example.ps1:35 char:32
 +         Write-Verbose -Message (lxrun /install /y)
 +                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [Write-Verbose], ParameterBindingException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CannotConvertArgument,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteVerboseCommand
  1. 线:
Write-Verbose -Message lxrun /install /y

结果输出:与尝试 9 相同

  1. 线:
Write-Verbose -Message (lxrun /install /y) -Verbose

结果输出:与尝试 9 相同(除了发生错误的行包含 -Verbose)

  1. 基于评论中链接的问题和答案,我把脚本修改为:
# runs single command

Class Object{    
        lxrun /install /y|Write-Verbose

# create object
[Object] $object = [Object]::new()

# execute command in method runCommand() of [Object] object

运行时使用 -Verbose 参数调用:./example.ps1 -Verbose。它返回黑色和黄色的文本:

VERBOSE: W a r n i n g :   l x r u n . e x e   i s   o n l y   u s e d   t o   >c o n f i g u r e   t h e
l e g a c y   W i n d o w s   S u b s y s t e m   f o r   L i n u x   d i s t >r i b u t i o n .
VERBOSE:  D i s t r i b u t i o n s   c a n   b e   i n s t a l l e d   b y   v >i s i t i n g   t h e
W i n d o w s   S t o r e :
VERBOSE:  h t t p s : / / a k a . m s / w s l s t o r e
VERBOSE:  T h i s   w i l l   i n s t a l l   U b u n t u   o n   W i n d o w s >,   d i s t r i b u t e d
b y   C a n o n i c a l   a n d   l i c e n s e d   u n d e r   i t s   t e r >m s   a v a i l a b l e
h e r e :
VERBOSE:  h t t p s : / / a k a . m s / u o w t e r m s
VERBOSE:  T h e   l e g a c y   W i n d o w s   S u b s y s t e m   f o r   L i >n u x
d i s t r i b u t i o n   i s   a l r e a d y   i n s t a l l e d .

从我的理解来看,Param()包括传递/吸收-Verbose论点,以及[CmdletBinding()] 启用 let 绑定的方式与cmdlet脚本的方式相同,而不是“正常”的方式。我仍然需要了解这种差异是什么/意味着什么。并且此 Write-Verbose 实现的格式尚不正确/不符合要求。


如何在 powershell 终端上无延迟地写出命令的输出,而不丢失其原始格式(与 一样scriptA.ps1)?





# runs single command
Class Object{
        $output = (lxrun /install /y)
        Write-Host $this.parseOutput($output) # return formating back to "normal"

    # removes null characters and then replaces triple spaces with enters.
    [String] parseOutput([String] $output){

        # first remove all nulls
        $output = $output.Replace(([char]0).ToString(),'')

        # then replace all triple occurrences of spaces with newlines
        $output = $output.Replace(([char]32+[char]32+[char]32).ToString(),"`n")

        return $output


# create object
[Object] $object = [Object]::new()

# execute command in method runCommand() of [Object] object


  1. 为什么在从对象/在对象中执行命令时会添加额外的字符,我将不胜感激nullspace
  2. 如何能和命令在同一行完成,而不调用自写的方法,找到了一个更好的解决方案。
