我有一台配备 Thunderbolt 3 Dock Gen 2 的 ThinkPad P52s。
Can't read Thunderbold controller version, Will skip Thunderbold firmware update!
Your dock has new firmware can be upgraded, please click [Update] to start firmware upgrade".
最后,显示一个带有标题Thunderbolt firmware update fail
2019/08/23 13:45:00 :----------------------------------------------Begin of Tool--------------------------------------------------
2019/08/23 13:45:00 :GetModuleFileName
2019/08/23 13:45:00 :C:\Users\apm1grb\Downloads\thinkpad_tbt3_gen2_ws_dock_fw_v3164_new (1)\ThinkPad_TBT3_Gen2_WS_Dock_FW_ V3164
2019/08/23 13:45:01 :Installing Filter Driver
2019/08/23 13:45:01 : Call HubIspTool //AFD to install filter driver
2019/08/23 13:45:02 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 13:45:03 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 13:45:04 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 13:45:05 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 13:45:06 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 13:45:07 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 13:45:08 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 13:45:09 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 13:45:10 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 13:45:11 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 13:45:12 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 13:45:13 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 13:45:14 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 13:45:15 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 13:45:16 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 13:45:16 :----Used 15 seconds---
2019/08/23 13:45:16 :Execute HUBIspTool.exe /AFD, ret code=0
2019/08/23 13:45:16 :Wait 3 seconds
2019/08/23 13:45:19 : Call checkHubSpeed to make sure filter driver
2019/08/23 13:45:19 :CheckHubSpeed
2019/08/23 13:45:20 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 13:45:20 :----Used 1 seconds---
2019/08/23 13:45:20 :Execute HUBIspTool_NEW_CheckHubSpeed2_Silent.exe, ret code=3
2019/08/23 13:45:21 Smiley Very Happyock connection checking...
2019/08/23 13:45:21 :Thinkpad Thunderbolt 3 Dock Found!
2019/08/23 13:45:21 :Reading version from chip...
2019/08/23 13:45:27 :filter driver existed!
2019/08/23 13:45:27 Smiley Very Happyelete previosly DataOutput.bin
2019/08/23 13:45:28 :try to read dock version from MCU
2019/08/23 13:45:28 :version info not store on MCU
2019/08/23 13:45:28 :Read TBT frimware version from chip...
2019/08/23 13:45:34 :TBT device ID =0
2019/08/23 13:45:34 :Thunderbolt firmware version =00.00
2019/08/23 13:54:54 :Read USB hub firmware version from chip...
2019/08/23 13:54:54 :USB hub1 firmware version =5113
2019/08/23 13:54:54 :USB hub2 version =5113
2019/08/23 13:54:54 :Read PD+MCU firmmware version from chip...
2019/08/23 13:54:54 Smiley Very Happyelete previosly DataOutput.bin
2019/08/23 13:54:56 :Read MCU version from chip
2019/08/23 13:54:56 :Wait 3 seconds
2019/08/23 13:54:59 :MCU firmware version =0.26
2019/08/23 13:54:59 :MCU firmware version =0.26
2019/08/23 13:54:59 Smiley TongueD controller firmware version =
2019/08/23 13:54:59 Smiley TongueD2 firmware version =
2019/08/23 13:54:59 :Turn on LP_CTL for DP hub firmware access...
2019/08/23 13:55:00 :Turn on LP_CTL for DP hub firmware access...5 seconds waitting
2019/08/23 13:55:00 :Wait 2 seconds
2019/08/23 13:55:01 :Reading DP hub firmware version from chip...
2019/08/23 13:55:03 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 13:55:04 :Main pgress= 10, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 13:55:05 :Main pgress= 20, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 13:55:05 :----Used 3 seconds---
2019/08/23 13:55:05 :Execute VmmDPTool.exe -v -s -fr, ret code=0
2019/08/23 13:55:05 Smiley Very HappyP hub firmware version =5.04.002
2019/08/23 13:55:05 Smiley Very HappyP hub firmware version =5.04.002
2019/08/23 13:55:06 :Return code=0
2019/08/23 13:55:06 :Wait 2 seconds
2019/08/23 13:55:08 :Audio firmware version=04-0E-90
2019/08/23 13:55:08 :compare version to decide which component need to update
2019/08/23 13:55:08 Smiley TongueD firmware update is required!
2019/08/23 13:55:08 :some firmware update required.
2019/08/23 13:55:12 :read firmware completed!
2019/08/23 13:55:15 :Updating TBT&PD firmware...
2019/08/23 13:55:15 :disabling XHCI...
2019/08/23 13:55:15 :Wait 3 seconds
2019/08/23 13:55:18 :Updating Thunderbolt controller & PD firmware...
2019/08/23 13:55:19 :Main pgress= 71, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 13:55:20 :Main pgress= 71, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 13:55:20 :----Used 2 seconds---
2019/08/23 13:55:20 :Execute FwUpdateCmd.exe FWUpdate 0 TRDOCK_4300.bin, ret code=517
2019/08/23 13:55:20 :Enabling XHCI...
2019/08/23 13:55:21 :Wait 30 seconds
2019/08/23 13:55:48 :Update TBT&PD fail
2019/08/23 15:44:18 :----------------------------------------------Begin of Tool--------------------------------------------------
2019/08/23 15:44:18 :GetModuleFileName
2019/08/23 15:44:18 :C:\Users\apm1grb\Downloads\thinkpad_tbt3_gen2_ws_dock_fw_v3164_new (1)\ThinkPad_TBT3_Gen2_WS_Dock_FW_ V3164
2019/08/23 15:44:19 :Installing Filter Driver
2019/08/23 15:44:19 : Call HubIspTool //AFD to install filter driver
2019/08/23 15:44:20 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 15:44:21 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 15:44:22 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 15:44:23 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 15:44:24 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 15:44:25 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 15:44:26 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 15:44:27 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 15:44:28 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 15:44:29 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 15:44:30 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 15:44:30 :----Used 11 seconds---
2019/08/23 15:44:30 :Execute HUBIspTool.exe /AFD, ret code=0
2019/08/23 15:44:30 :Wait 3 seconds
2019/08/23 15:44:32 : Call checkHubSpeed to make sure filter driver
2019/08/23 15:44:32 :CheckHubSpeed
2019/08/23 15:44:33 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 15:44:33 :----Used 1 seconds---
2019/08/23 15:44:34 :Execute HUBIspTool_NEW_CheckHubSpeed2_Silent.exe, ret code=3
2019/08/23 15:44:34 Smiley Very Happyock connection checking...
2019/08/23 15:44:34 :Thinkpad Thunderbolt 3 Dock Found!
2019/08/23 15:44:34 :Reading version from chip...
2019/08/23 15:44:40 :filter driver existed!
2019/08/23 15:44:40 Smiley Very Happyelete previosly DataOutput.bin
2019/08/23 15:44:41 :try to read dock version from MCU
2019/08/23 15:44:41 :version info not store on MCU
2019/08/23 15:44:41 :Read TBT frimware version from chip...
2019/08/23 15:44:47 :TBT device ID =0
2019/08/23 15:44:47 :Thunderbolt firmware version =00.00
2019/08/23 16:06:52 :Read USB hub firmware version from chip...
2019/08/23 16:06:52 :USB hub1 firmware version =5113
2019/08/23 16:06:52 :USB hub2 version =5113
2019/08/23 16:06:52 :Read PD+MCU firmmware version from chip...
2019/08/23 16:06:52 Smiley Very Happyelete previosly DataOutput.bin
2019/08/23 16:06:55 :Read MCU version from chip
2019/08/23 16:06:55 :Wait 3 seconds
2019/08/23 16:06:58 :MCU firmware version =0.26
2019/08/23 16:06:58 :MCU firmware version =0.26
2019/08/23 16:06:58 Smiley TongueD controller firmware version =
2019/08/23 16:06:58 Smiley TongueD2 firmware version =
2019/08/23 16:06:58 :Turn on LP_CTL for DP hub firmware access...
2019/08/23 16:06:58 :Turn on LP_CTL for DP hub firmware access...5 seconds waitting
2019/08/23 16:06:58 :Wait 2 seconds
2019/08/23 16:07:00 :Reading DP hub firmware version from chip...
2019/08/23 16:07:01 :Main pgress= 0, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 16:07:02 :----Used 1 seconds---
2019/08/23 16:07:02 :Execute VmmDPTool.exe -v -s -fr, ret code=0
2019/08/23 16:07:02 Smiley Very HappyP hub firmware version =5.04.002
2019/08/23 16:07:02 Smiley Very HappyP hub firmware version =5.04.002
2019/08/23 16:07:02 :Return code=0
2019/08/23 16:07:02 :Wait 2 seconds
2019/08/23 16:07:04 :Audio firmware version=04-0E-90
2019/08/23 16:07:04 :compare version to decide which component need to update
2019/08/23 16:07:04 Smiley TongueD firmware update is required!
2019/08/23 16:07:04 :some firmware update required.
2019/08/23 16:10:13 :read firmware completed!
2019/08/23 16:12:30 :Updating TBT&PD firmware...
2019/08/23 16:12:30 :disabling XHCI...
2019/08/23 16:12:30 :Wait 3 seconds
2019/08/23 16:12:32 :Updating Thunderbolt controller & PD firmware...
2019/08/23 16:12:33 :Main pgress= 71, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 16:12:35 :Main pgress= 71, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 16:12:36 :Main pgress= 71, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 16:12:37 :Main pgress= 71, RetCode=259
2019/08/23 16:12:37 :----Used 4 seconds---
2019/08/23 16:12:37 :Execute FwUpdateCmd.exe FWUpdate 0 TRDOCK_4300.bin, ret code=517
2019/08/23 16:12:37 :Enabling XHCI...
2019/08/23 16:12:37 :Wait 30 seconds
2019/08/23 16:13:04 :Update TBT&PD fail