运行 32 位可执行文件时 GDB 挂起

运行 32 位可执行文件时 GDB 挂起

我有一台装有 Mint Cinnamon 19.2 的虚拟机(在 Ubuntu 18.04 中也会发生这种情况):

每当我运行 32 位可执行文件时,无论我是否设置断点,我都会收到以下警告:

warning: Breakpoint address adjusted from 0xf7fd9be0 to 0xfffffffff7fd9be0.
warning: Breakpoint address adjusted from 0xf7fda195 to 0xfffffffff7fda195.
warning: Breakpoint address adjusted from 0xf7fdbd1c to 0xfffffffff7fdbd1c.
warning: Breakpoint address adjusted from 0xf7fdb924 to 0xfffffffff7fdb924.
warning: Breakpoint address adjusted from 0xf7fe99b3 to 0xfffffffff7fe99b3.
warning: Breakpoint address adjusted from 0xf7fea401 to 0xfffffffff7fea401.
warning: Breakpoint address adjusted from 0xf7fea706 to 0xfffffffff7fea706.

然后程序挂起,我唯一能做的就是发送 SIGINT(Ctrl+C)

我必须提到,在 Kali 上这种情况不会发生,所以也许我缺少一些依赖项或者其他东西?



