

我一直在尝试使用我的 MacOS Catalina 10.15.2 擦除我的外部硬盘(WD My Passport 2626 Media 2TB)。

我已多次尝试每个命令,关闭了我的 Mac,更换了 USB 端口......

  • 终端

    diskutil secureErase 1 *disk2*
      error:    -69759: securely erasing data to prevent recovery failed
      underlying error: 16
    diskutil zeroDisk force *disk2*
      error:    -69759: securely erasing data to prevent recovery failed
      underlying error: 16 
    diskutil randomDisk 2 *disk2*
      error:    -69759: securely erasing data to prevent recovery failed
      underlying error: 16
  • 磁盘工具

    • 擦除磁盘 > 安全选项 > 两次安全擦除

      securely erasing data to prevent recovery failed. : (-69759) operation failed...
    • 擦除磁盘 > 安全选项 > 最快(非安全)

      unable to write to the last block of the device. : (-69760) operation failed


WD My Passport 2626 Media 2TB

Volume type:       Uninitialized
Writable:          No
Is case-sensitive: No
Volume capacity:   2 000 356 289 472 

Available space (Purgeable + Free): 0

Purgeable space:   0
Free Space:        0
Used Space.:       2 000 356 289 472  
Owners enabled:    No
Is encrypted:      No
Can be verified:   No 


运行 smartmontools 检查 SMART 参数。 https://www.smartmontools.org/wiki/Download 在尝试以其他方式删除硬盘之前,请使用类似 smartctl -a /dev/sdb > smart.txt 的命令将 smartctl 命令的输出重定向到文件,然后在此处发布 smart.txt。
