无法修复外部 HFS 卷

无法修复外部 HFS 卷

尝试修复外部硬盘(Seagate 便携式 2TB),它有一个分区,其中包含时间机器内容和一些文件,不幸的是我只有一个副本。我假设发生的事情要么是在执行某些时间机器例程时不适当地断开连接,要么是在通过集线器连接到 MacBook Pro 2016 时出现电源问题(必须使用集线器将 usb2 转换为 usbc)。



  1. 重新启动,重新连接,更换集线器,更换电缆,更换连接端口,更换计算机(其他 Mac,还没有 PC 可以检查)。
  2. 通过磁盘实用程序激活 FirstAid,在安全模式下重新启动,重复相同操作。

使用 firstAid 时我收到以下信息:

Running First Aid on “DH Backup” (disk2s1)

Repairing file system.
Volume is already unmounted.
Performing fsck_hfs -fy -x /dev/rdisk2s1
File system check exit code is 8.
Restoring the original state found as unmounted.
File system verify or repair failed. : (-69845)

Operation failed…
  1. 我接下来尝试的是使用带有不同标志的 fsck_hfs:

sudo fsck_hfs -drfy /dev/disk2s1 返回:

journal_replay(/dev/disk2s1) returned 0
** /dev/rdisk2s1
    Using cacheBlockSize=32K cacheTotalBlock=32768 cacheSize=1048576K.
   Executing fsck_hfs (version hfs-522.0.9).
** Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
   The volume name is DH Backup
** Checking extents overflow file.
** Checking catalog file.
** Rebuilding catalog B-tree.
hfs_UNswap_BTNode: invalid node height (1)

** Rechecking volume.
** Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
   The volume name is DH Backup
** Checking extents overflow file.
** Checking catalog file.
** Checking multi-linked files.
** Checking catalog hierarchy.
** Checking extended attributes file.
** Checking multi-linked directories.
    privdir_valence=17384, calc_dirlinks=58400, calc_dirinode=17385
   Invalid parent for directory inode (id = 4968950)
   (It should be 19 instead of 18)
   Invalid name for directory inode (id = 4968950)
   (It should be dir_4968950 instead of temp4968950)
   Incorrect number of directory hard links
    Error getting link=4983759 for inode=4968950
** The volume DH Backup could not be verified completely.
    volume check failed with error 7
    volume type is pure HFS+
    primary MDB is at block 0 0x00
    alternate MDB is at block 0 0x00
    primary VHB is at block 2 0x02
    alternate VHB is at block 3907024063 0xe8e074bf
    sector size = 512 0x200
    VolumeObject flags = 0x07
    total sectors for volume = 3907024065 0xe8e074c1
    total sectors for embedded volume = 0 0x00
    CheckHFS returned -1317, fsmodified = 1

并且fsck_hfs -yprd返回或多或少相同的输出。

diskutil info还在这里添加了输出,以防万一有帮助:

   Device Identifier:         disk2s1
   Device Node:               /dev/disk2s1
   Whole:                     No
   Part of Whole:             disk2

   Volume Name:               DH Backup
   Mounted:                   No

   Partition Type:            Apple_HFS
   File System Personality:   Journaled HFS+
   Type (Bundle):             hfs
   Name (User Visible):       Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
   Journal:                   Unknown (not mounted)
   Owners:                    Disabled

   OS Can Be Installed:       No
   Media Type:                Generic
   Protocol:                  USB
   SMART Status:              Not Supported
   Volume UUID:               9F04F085-82D2-3DD6-8F44-AB584B60CFFB
   Partition Offset:          32768 Bytes (64 512-Byte-Device-Blocks)

   Disk Size:                 2.0 TB (2000396321280 Bytes) (exactly 3907024065 512-Byte-Units)
   Device Block Size:         512 Bytes

   Volume Total Space:        0 B (0 Bytes) (exactly 0 512-Byte-Units)
   Volume Free Space:         0 B (0 Bytes) (exactly 0 512-Byte-Units)

   Read-Only Media:           No
   Read-Only Volume:          Not applicable (not mounted)

   Device Location:           External
   Removable Media:           Fixed

   Solid State:               Info not available

我知道有一些软件,比如 DiskWarrior 等,但它们对我来说相当昂贵,而且它们在购买前不提供任何保证,所以 -如果你能帮我解决一些问题,比如修复 iNode 的问题,我将非常感激。正如我之前提到的,这些数据对我很重要,我想在重新格式化之前尝试访问它。

