正则表达式:将一个 html 标签的内容替换为另一个 html 标签的内容后,将逗号放在其位置

正则表达式:将一个 html 标签的内容替换为另一个 html 标签的内容后,将逗号放在其位置

我有以下两个 HTML 标签:

<title>The Secret Is Elsewhere</title>

<meta name="keywords" content="love, find, car, diamond"/>

使用下面的正则表达式,我可以用标签的内容替换标签<title></title>的内容<meta name=..>

. 匹配换行符:

搜索:(<title>(.*?)<\/title>.*?)(<meta name="keywords" content=").*?("\/>)

替换为: \1\3\2\4

但是,我需要在替换后的 ` 标签上的单词之间添加逗号


<meta name="keywords" content="the, secret, is, elsewhere"/>



  • Ctrl+H
  • 找什么:(<title>(\S+)(\s+\S+)?(\s+\S+)?(\s+\S+)?(\s+\S+)?(\s+\S+)?(\s+\S+)?(\s+\S+)?(\s+\S+)?(\s+\S+)?(\s+\S+)?(\s+\S+)?(\s+\S+)?</title>[\s\S]+?<meta name="keywords" content=")[^"]+
  • 用。。。来代替:$1(?2$2)(?3,$3)(?4,$4)(?5,$5)(?6,$6)(?7,$7)(?8,$8)(?9,$9)(?10,$10)(?11,$11)(?12,$12(?13,$13)(?14,$14)
  • 取消选中 相符
  • 查看 环绕
  • 查看 正则表达式
  • 取消选中 . matches newline
  • Replace all


(                   # start group 1
   <title>            # literally, open tag
     (\S+)              # group 2, 1 or more non-space
     (\s+\S+)?          # group 3, 1 or more space followed by 1 or more non-space
     (\s+\S+)?          # group 4, 1 or more space followed by 1 or more non-space
     (\s+\S+)?          # group 5, 1 or more space followed by 1 or more non-space
     (\s+\S+)?          # group 6, 1 or more space followed by 1 or more non-space
     (\s+\S+)?          # group 7, 1 or more space followed by 1 or more non-space
     (\s+\S+)?          # group 8, 1 or more space followed by 1 or more non-space
     (\s+\S+)?          # group 9, 1 or more space followed by 1 or more non-space
     (\s+\S+)?          # group 10, 1 or more space followed by 1 or more non-space
     (\s+\S+)?          # group 11, 1 or more space followed by 1 or more non-space
     (\s+\S+)?          # group 12, 1 or more space followed by 1 or more non-space
     (\s+\S+)?          # group 13, 1 or more space followed by 1 or more non-space
     (\s+\S+)?          # group 14, 1 or more space followed by 1 or more non-space
   </title>           # end tag
   [\s\S]+?           # 1 or more any character, including newline
   <meta name="keywords" content="      # literally
)                   # end group 1
[^"]+               # 1 or more any character that is not a quote

注意:这最多适用于 13 个单词,如果单词超过 13 个,您可以根据需要添加任意数量的组


$1              # content of group 1
(?2$2)          # if group 2 exists, insert it
(?3,$3)         # if group 3 exists, insert a comma then content of group 3
(?4,$4)         # idem for group 4
(?5,$5)         # idem for group 5
(?6,$6)         # idem for group 6
(?7,$7)         # idem for group 7
(?8,$8)         # idem for group 8
(?9,$9)         # idem for group 9
(?10,$10)       # idem for group 10
(?11,$11)       # idem for group 11
(?12,$12)       # idem for group 12






