为什么 imagemagick 的 magick 命令需要两个 -write 参数?

为什么 imagemagick 的 magick 命令需要两个 -write 参数?

我已在 Windows 上安装了 ImageMagick v7.0.10-26,并从 cmd 行运行它。我尚未安装convert


magick existingimage.png -gravity south -fill white -pointsize 150 -annotate +0+20 "Hello World" -write newimage1.gif newimage2.gif


magick: MissingArgument `-write' at CLI arg 11 @ fatal/magick-cli.c/ProcessCommandOptions/447.





您似乎误解了“最终”(完全处理)输出文件名(例如newimage2.gif)是 的一部分-write,但事实并非如此。任何最终输出文件名通常都是 的最后一个参数magick ...

# Create both an "intermediate" image processed with the 
# options up to "-write filename" ("newimage1.gif") and 
# a separate "final" image ("newimage2.gif") with those 
# same options.

magick existingimage.png -gravity south -fill white -pointsize 150 -annotate +0+20 "Hello World" -write newimage1.gif newimage2.gif

# Create just a "final" image, processed with all the 
# existing options in the given "magick" command.
# (no "-write filename" command needed)

magick existingimage.png -gravity south -fill white -pointsize 150 -annotate +0+20 "Hello World" newimage2.gif

# Create both an "intermediate" image processed with the 
# options up to "-write filename" ("newimage1.gif") and 
# a separate "final" image ("newimage2.gif") with additional 
# options unique to it ("-resize 50%"). 

magick existingimage.png -gravity south -fill white -pointsize 150 -annotate +0+20 "Hello World" -write newimage1.gif -resize 50% newimage2.gif

# This produces an error. The "final" file name here for 
# "magick ..." is "newimage1.gif" and "-write" has no 
# "intermediate" file name specified.

magick existingimage.png -gravity south -fill white -pointsize 150 -annotate +0+20 "Hello World" -write newimage1.gif
