我可以为每台通过 SSH 连接的服务器设置一个配置文件吗?

我可以为每台通过 SSH 连接的服务器设置一个配置文件吗?

为了我的工作,我需要经常在云中创建新的虚拟机。每次我用连接新的远程服务器时ssh,我都需要像completion-ignore-case on~/.inputrc手动设置一些配置。



每次我使用 ssh 连接新的远程服务器时,我都需要在 ~/.inputrc 中手动设置一些配置,例如completion-ignore-case。


对于本地计算机,请参阅 : 中的以下选项.ssh/config(摘自man 5 ssh_config):

             Specifies a command to execute on the local machine
             after successfully connecting to the server.  The
             command string extends to the end of the line, and is
             executed with the user's shell.  Arguments to
             LocalCommand accept the tokens described in the
             TOKENS section.

             The command is run synchronously and does not have
             access to the session of the ssh(1) that spawned it.
             It should not be used for interactive commands.

             This directive is ignored unless PermitLocalCommand
             has been enabled.

对于远程命令执行,您可以使用该SendEnv选项将变量设置INPUTRC为您专门的(预)工匠 inputrc 文件(请参阅man 1 bash并搜索 INPUTRC)
