在 vba 中使用循环时显示错误

在 vba 中使用循环时显示错误

我有一个代码,它的第一个任务是在 P 列中查找“Qty”和“Fty”字样。然后它将获取该行的行号。代码运行顺利。但现在当我添加一个循环时,代码会抛出一个错误。“运行时错误方法查找对象范围失败”我希望循环将获取这两个行号,并且在第一行之后直到最后一行都将打印一个值。

假设您在行号 12 和列号 P 中输入了单词“qty”,并在行号 15 和列号 P 中输入了单词“fty”(这里需要说明的是,输入单元格的列号始终为 P)。循环的工作是从 A13 到 A14 获取值,并在 P13 到 P14 中打印。


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

Dim qtyWordFinder As Range
Dim qtyWordFinder2 As Range
Dim acidWashQty As Integer
Dim rw1 As Integer
Dim rw2 As Integer
    Set qtyWordFinder = Range("$P$1:$P$53").Find("Qty", SearchOrder:=xlColumns)
    Set qtyWordFinder2 = Range("$P$1:$P$53").Find("Fty", SearchOrder:=xlColumns)
    If qtyWordFinder Is Nothing Then
        rw1 = qtyWordFinder.row
    End If
    If qtyWordFinder2 Is Nothing Then
        rw2 = qtyWordFinder2.row
    End If
Dim i As Integer
    For i = rw1 + 1 To rw2 - 1
        Cells(i, 16).Value = Cells(i, 1).Value
    Next i

End Sub





If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A1")) Is Nothing Then
Dim WordFinder As Range
Dim rw1 As Range
Dim rw2 As Range

    For Each WordFinder In Range("$P$1:$P$53")
        If InStr(WordFinder.Value, "qty") Then Set rw1 = Range(WordFinder.Address)
        If InStr(WordFinder.Value, "fty") Then Set rw2 = Range(WordFinder.Address)
    Next WordFinder

Debug.Print rw1.Value & "-" & rw2.Value

End If

End Sub
Option Compare Text

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A1")) Is Nothing Then
Dim WordFinder As Range
Dim qtyWordFinder2 As Range
Dim rw1 As Integer
Dim rw2 As Integer
    For Each WordFinder In Range("$P$1:$P$53")
        If InStr(WordFinder.Value, "qty") Then rw1 = WordFinder.Row
        If InStr(WordFinder.Value, "fty") Then rw2 = WordFinder.Row
    Next WordFinder
    If rw1 > 0 And rw2 > 0 Then
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = rw1 + 1 To rw2 - 1
            Cells(i, 16).Value = Cells(i, 1).Value
        Next i
    End If
End If

End Sub


我已将其与 A1 中的更改联系起来进行测试
