我已经安装了曼扎罗 i3在我的系统上,现在我想安装虚拟盒子在上面。
根据Manjaro 的 VirtualBox Wiki,我必须安装虚拟盒用这个命令:
pamac install virtualbox $(pacman -Qsq "^linux" | grep "^linux[0-9]*[-rt]*$" | awk '{print $1"-virtualbox-host-modules"}' ORS=' ')
它让我可以选择一些可选的依赖项,我可以virtual-guest-iso: Guest Additions CD image
Synchronizing package databases...
Error: could not open file /var/lib/pacman/sync/core.db: Unrecognized archive format
Error: could not open file /var/lib/pacman/sync/extra.db: Unrecognized archive format
Error: could not open file /var/lib/pacman/sync/community.db: Unrecognized archive format
Error: could not open file /var/lib/pacman/sync/multilib.db: Unrecognized archive format
Error: Failed to prepare transaction: target not found: virtualbox-guest-iso
Error: target not found: virtualbox
现在我不能再做sudo pacman -Syu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
core is up to date
extra is up to date
community is up to date
multilib is up to date
error: could not open file /var/lib/pacman/sync/core.db: Unrecognized archive format
error: could not open file /var/lib/pacman/sync/extra.db: Unrecognized archive format
error: could not open file /var/lib/pacman/sync/community.db: Unrecognized archive format
error: could not open file /var/lib/pacman/sync/multilib.db: Unrecognized archive format
error: database 'core' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
error: database 'extra' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
error: database 'community' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
error: database 'multilib' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
:: Starting full system upgrade...
there is nothing to do
现在根据[已解决] 无法识别的存档格式(core.db、extra.db 等),我可以通过递归删除/var/lib/pacman/sync
目录中的所有内容来解决此问题。现在我可以做得sudo pacman -Syu
安装Manjaro i3
如果这对某人来说仍然是一个问题:Manjaro Wiki 已更新并删除了错误的命令,该命令
sudo pacman -Syu virtualbox linux54-virtualbox-host-modules
假设您运行的是 5.4.XX 内核,应该安装 virtualbox
mhwd-kernel -li
> Currently running: 5.4.0-1-MANJARO (linux54)
> The following kernels are installed in your system:
> * linux54