

我正在尝试创建一个“秘密”密钥。我的理论是写出不可打印的十六进制代码(例如0x02, 0x09, 0x1E...),其中有 12 个这样的代码。然后将它们保存到一个“假”文件中,例如“.sss”(在 Windows 上),该文件应该是不可读的 - 精明的程序员可以接受。如果打开该文件,它将显示“”


使用我的文本编辑器(具有十六进制编辑器),我可以输入 02 09 1D 1E 等,当切换回文本模式时显示“ ”

使用 Powershell 是否能做到这一点?下面是我的测试脚本

$myPath = Split-Path $PSScriptRoot
write-host("file to $myPath\.sss")

(后一行只是为了验证保存的位置)我的理论我可以输入类似的内容02 1E 1C 81 8D A0,将其存储在虚假文件中,然后将其加载到程序的另一部分以检查它是否与嵌入在 javascript/文本文件开头的类似代码匹配。


这是为了让运行我的其他程序的每台计算机都“独一无二”,这样脚本就不会在其他 PC 上使用。最初,我使用的代码是从注册表读取“DigitalProductId”,但 A) 现在从注册表返回一个空条目,或 B) 显示为“BBBBB BBBBB BBBBB BBBBB BBBBB”


$myPath = Split-Path $PSScriptRoot

## This part write out all the invisible codes to a file.
$file|Out-File -NoNewLine "$myPath\.sss";

## The file is saved in the format "FE FF 02 00 09 00 1D 00 ..."
## This part reads the file in again as bytes
[byte[]]$bytes = Get-Content $myPath\.sss -Encoding Byte
$hexString = ($bytes|ForEach-Object ToString X2) -join ''
# Since we start 4 bytes in, we must end 4 bytes early to avoid reading past end of file.
# We double $tot as there are two numbers per array cell

## It skips the BOM at the start (FEFF), and then skips over the "00" entries by moving 4 bytes along, and then taking next two bytes as substring
for ($i=4; $i -le $tot; $i=$i+4 ) {

## In my case, I would use any 3x [char]0x?? to create a unique 6 digit number (1,716 combinations) or 4x (17,160 combinations)

## If users find this file, they will see ".ssa", and Windows will not know how to display the file
## For the few that do, they will see "      " entry
## If people copy the other app to another PC WITHOUT this secret file, it will refuse to run



