Windows 10 双启动错误

Windows 10 双启动错误

我正在尝试使用两个单独的 NVME 在同一台机器 (UEFI) 上设置两个 Windows 10 安装。我已按照这个视频

启动原始 Windows 10 安装时一切正常,但尝试启动第二个 Windows 10 安装进行设置时遇到以下问题。





  • 我尝试从 WinRE 运行以下命令,但它不能解决问题,也找不到/RebuildBCD任何 Windows 安装,即使我可以浏览它们两个:

    BootRec /FixMBR
    BootRec /FixBoot
    BootRec /RebuildBCD
  • $ BcdEdit
        Windows Boot Manager
        identifier              {bootmgr}
        device                  partition=\Device\HarddiskVolume3
        path                    \EFI\MICROSOFT\BOOT\BOOTMGFW.EFI
        description             Windows Boot Manager
        locale                  en-us
        inherit                 {globalsettings}
        default                 {current}
        resumeobject            {6d10e418-233a-11eb-a23c-38baf8825748}
        displayorder            {6d10e419-233a-11eb-a23c-38baf8825748}
        toolsdisplayorder       {memdiag}
        timeout                 5
        Windows Boot Loader
        identifier              {6d10e419-233a-11eb-a23c-38baf8825748}
        device                  partition=F:
        path                    \Windows\system32\winload.efi
        description             Windows 10 - Work
        locale                  en-us
        inherit                 {bootloadersettings}
        isolatedcontext         Yes
        allowedinmemorysettings 0x15000075
        osdevice                partition=F:
        systemroot              \Windows
        resumeobject            {6d10e418-233a-11eb-a23c-38baf8825748}
        nx                      OptIn
        bootmenupolicy          Standard
        Windows Boot Loader
        identifier              {current}
        device                  partition=C:
        path                    \Windows\system32\winload.efi
        description             Windows 10 - Personal
        locale                  en-US
        inherit                 {bootloadersettings}
        recoverysequence        {9844d6ef-2367-11eb-afba-b0a1b954a7fa}
        displaymessageoverride  Recovery
        recoveryenabled         Yes
        isolatedcontext         Yes
        allowedinmemorysettings 0x15000075
        osdevice                partition=C:
        systemroot              \Windows
        resumeobject            {9844d6ed-2367-11eb-afba-b0a1b954a7fa}
        nx                      OptIn
        bootmenupolicy          Standard
    DISKPART> lis vol
      Volume ###  Ltr  Label        Fs     Type        Size     Status     Info
      ----------  ---  -----------  -----  ----------  -------  ---------  --------
      Volume 0     C                NTFS   Partition    931 GB  Healthy
      Volume 1     D                NTFS   Partition    232 GB  Healthy
      Volume 2                      NTFS   Partition    498 MB  Healthy
      Volume 3                      FAT32  Partition    100 MB  Healthy    Hidden
      Volume 4     E                NTFS   Partition    238 GB  Healthy
      Volume 5     F   ESD-USB      FAT32  Removable     14 GB  Healthy
    DISKPART> sel vol 3
    Volume 3 is the selected volume.
    DISKPART> det vol
      Disk ###  Status         Size     Free     Dyn  Gpt
      --------  -------------  -------  -------  ---  ---
    * Disk 1    Online          232 GB  1024 KB        *
    Offline                : No
    DISKPART> sel vol 1
    Volume 1 is the selected volume.
    DISKPART> det vol
      Disk ###  Status         Size     Free     Dyn  Gpt
      --------  -------------  -------  -------  ---  ---
    * Disk 1    Online          232 GB  1024 KB        *
    Read-only              : No
    Hidden                 : No
    No Default Drive Letter: No
    Shadow Copy            : No
    Offline                : No
    BitLocker Encrypted    : No
    Installable            : Yes
    Volume Capacity        :  232 GB
    Volume Free Space      :  195 GB
    DISKPART> sel vol 4
    Volume 4 is the selected volume.
    DISKPART> det vol
      Disk ###  Status         Size     Free     Dyn  Gpt
      --------  -------------  -------  -------  ---  ---
    * Disk 2    Online          238 GB  1024 KB        *
    Read-only              : No
    Hidden                 : No
    No Default Drive Letter: No
    Shadow Copy            : No
    Offline                : No
    BitLocker Encrypted    : No
    Installable            : Yes
    Volume Capacity        :  238 GB
    Volume Free Space      :  228 GB

我怀疑第二次 Windows 10 安装是否存在问题%WinDir%\system32\winload.efi,因为我已使用视频中的命令多次应用该映像,并且前后都使用相同的映像成功执行了多次安装。




