我想计算特定字符串在特定列(始终是同一列字母)中出现的次数,全部工作表的总数。使用 COUNTIFS + COUNTIFS + 等可以轻松完成此操作,但我不想每次添加或删除工作表时都必须不断更新 COUNTIFS 公式。我编写了一个函数来检查名称存储在数组中的所有工作表,因此我所要做的就是更新该数组。
' Used by function checkDuplicates
' Array to hold names of tabs in use within workbook
' NOTE: Need to update within the function when sheets are added/deleted
Public yearArr As Variant
' Location of column to check
Const myCol As String = "H:H"
Function checkDuplicates(myString As String) As Integer
' Update this when sheets are added or deleted
yearArr = Array("2018", "2019", "2020", "2021")
' Year referenced by worksheet tabs
' Will reference the contents of yearArr
Dim yearSheet As Variant
' Integers to hold our running totals
Dim bigTotal As Integer
Dim loopTotal As Integer
' Reset them at the start of each function run (probably not necessary but hey)
bigTotal = 0
loopTotal = 0
' Loop through all sheets and count
For Each yearSheet In yearArr
' Select a specific sheet
Debug.Print "This yearSheet is " & yearSheet
' Count how many instances of 'myString' in 'myCol' column
loopTotal = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(myCol), myString)
Debug.Print "loopTotal is now " & loopTotal
' Add the total from this loop onto the running total
Debug.Print "bigTotal is now " & bigTotal
bigTotal = bigTotal + loopTotal
Debug.Print "At the end of loop " & yearSheet & ", bigTotal is finally " & bigTotal
Next yearSheet
' Output final total
checkDuplicates = bigTotal
Debug.Print "Final output is " & checkDuplicates
End Function
This yearSheet is 2018
loopTotal is now 40
logTotal is now 0
At the end of loop 2018, logTotal is finally 40
This yearSheet is 2019
loopTotal is now 9
logTotal is now 40
At the end of loop 2019, logTotal is finally 49
This yearSheet is 2020
loopTotal is now 19
logTotal is now 49
At the end of loop 2020, logTotal is finally 68
This yearSheet is 2021
loopTotal is now 0
logTotal is now 68
At the end of loop 2021, logTotal is finally 68
Final output is 68
效果很好!但是,在单元格中使用 =functionCheckDuplicates("blah") 返回的是 0,而不是 68!我尝试使用另一个应该返回 2(在即时窗口中也确实如此)的“blah”,但函数在单元格中返回的是 4!在我看来,它甚至不是始终正确的。
=SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF(INDIRECT(listActive&"[specific column name]"),"Blah"))