How to wipe my hard drive on busybox? Messed up trying to install galliumOS with unetBootIn,

How to wipe my hard drive on busybox? Messed up trying to install galliumOS with unetBootIn,

So, I am using my school computer to make my flash drive bootable so I can install galliumOS on my personal computer which is a chromebook. I used unetBootIn to make my flash drive live and it ended up completely messing up my computer. I can't install another OS because all it does it give me a BusyBox command prompt. The only way I have tried to fix this is by wiping my hard drive, however. I can't use fdisk or anything like that. I have tried using rm -rf /* but the folders are read-only and I don't have permission. I have tried researching this for hours and I'm at the point I want to smash this computer. I keep getting the error can not mount /dev/loop2. I'm genuinely lost and hopefully somebody can give me the answers. I just want to install a linux distro.
