Change background in Skype "Together mode" 2024-8-23 • windows-10 skype skype-for-windows-10 Today I got to experience the "Together mode" in Skype version in Windows 10. While that was very fascinating, I'd like to change the background photo so that it looks like we're all in a different location. How can that be done? 相关内容 `loglogaxis` 图中“维度太大” 高清视频采集卡是否具有良好的 API?[关闭] 通过桌面重新安装服务器[重复] 包含的 PDF 页面的页码(以 koma 字体显示) Windows 10 21H1 两个不同的问题:最有可能与 TPM/安全启动有关 更改 Word 2010 中的总页数 如何将 tar 存档中的特定文件提取到当前目录? 文档需要无数次编译器传递吗? 参考 Tikz 矩形的透视图