在过去的一两年里,Office 365 多次神奇地重新出现在电脑上。我已经卸载了它;所以应该没有痕迹。然而,每隔几个月,Microsoft Word 就会无缘无故地自动打开。查看已安装程序列表,可以看到未经授权安装的 Office 365。
Windows 10 更新已被禁用,并且已经禁用了一段时间。为什么 Office 365 每隔几个月就会重新安装?更重要的是,我该如何阻止这种情况?
我没有尝试打开文档,也没有要求在我的计算机上安装 Word。为什么它会自行重新安装,我们如何才能完全禁用它。
有没有办法编辑注册表以永久禁用 Office 365 下载和安装。我甚至不希望 Windows 10 能够检查更新,更不用说下载任何东西并在后台安装它了。
谁能告诉我如何编辑注册表(或其他内容)以便我的计算机能够像 1995 年一样运行?
以下是卸载 Office (包括任何内核位)的说明。
https://support.office.com/en-us/article/uninstall-office-from-a-pc-9dd49b83-264a-477a-8fcc-2fdf5dbf61d8 查看选项 2在该页面上。下面的文本来自该页面,但我建议转到具有取决于版本和浏览器的选项的页面。
选项 2- 使用卸载支持工具彻底卸载 Office
Click the button below to download and install the Office uninstall support tool.
- 请按照以下步骤下载适合您的浏览器的卸载支持工具。
提示:该工具可能需要几分钟才能下载并安装。完成安装后,将打开“卸载 Office 产品”窗口。
从 PC 上卸载 Office Office 2019 Office 2016 Office 商业版 Microsoft 365 管理员 更多...
以下步骤介绍了如何在 PC(笔记本电脑、台式机或二合一电脑)上卸载 Office 产品。对于 Mac,请参阅卸载 Office for Mac。
提示:卸载 Office 只会从您的计算机中删除 Office 应用程序,不会删除您使用这些应用程序创建的任何文件、文档或工作簿。卸载适合您的安装类型的 Office
卸载 Office 的步骤取决于您的安装类型。最常见的安装类型是即点即用和 Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI)。另一种类型是从 Microsoft Store 应用安装 Office。
选择下面的即点即用或 MSI 或 Microsoft Store 选项卡,然后按照适合您的安装类型的卸载步骤进行操作。
不确定你使用的是哪种安装类型?如果你不确定你使用的是即点即用还是 MSI Microsoft Store 安装类型,请展开此部分
如果您有即点即用或 MSI 安装,请使用控制面板卸载 Office 或下载卸载支持工具。选项 1 - 从控制面板卸载 Office
Open the Control Panel. Tip: If you installed the Office apps as part of a suite, such as Office Home and Student or Microsoft 365, search for the suite name.
对于独立应用程序,请按应用程序名称搜索,例如 Project 或 Visio。
In most cases you can't uninstall an individual app if it's included in your Office suite. The only way to uninstall an individual
How you open the Control Panel depends on your version of Windows. Windows 10 In the search box on the task bar, type control panel, then select Control Panel. Select Programs > Programs and Features, then right-click your Microsoft Office product, and choose Uninstall. Windows 8.1 or 8 Right-click the Start button Windows Start button in Windows 8 and Windows 10 (lower-left corner), and choose Control Panel. Select Programs and Features, then right-click your Office product, and choose Uninstall. Windows 7 Click Start > Control Panel. Click Programs > Programs and Features. Right-click the Office application you want to remove, and then click Uninstall. Follow the prompts to complete the uninstall. Note: If Office isn't listed in the Control Panel you could have a Microsoft Store installation type. Select the Microsoft Store tab
To reinstall Office select the version you want to reinstall and follow those steps. Microsoft 365 | Office 2019 | Office 2016 | Office 2013 | Office 2010 | Office 2007
选项 2 - 使用卸载支持工具完全卸载 Office
Click the button below to download and install the Office uninstall support tool. Follow the steps below to download the uninstall support tool according to your browser. Tip: The tool may take a few minutes to download and install. After completing the installation, the Uninstall Office products
Edge or Chrome In the lower-lower left corner right-click SetupProd_OffScrub.exe > Open. Where to find and open the Support Assitant download file in a Chrome web browser Edge (older) or Internet Explorer At the bottom of the browser window, select Run to launch the SetupProd_OffScrub.exe. Where to find and open the Support Assitant download file in the Edge or Internet Explorer web browser Firefox In the pop-up window, select Save Fileand then from the upper-right browser window, select the downloads arrow >
SetupProd_OffScrub.exe。在 Chrome 网络浏览器中查找和打开 Support Assitant 下载文件的位置
Select the version you want to uninstall, and then select Next. Follow through the remaining screens and when prompted, restart your computer. After you restart your computer, the uninstall tool automatically re-opens to complete the final step of the uninstall process. Follow
If you want to reinstall Office, select the steps for the version you want and follow those steps. Close the uninstall tool.