是否可以在 .ssh/config 中包含 scp 的 -T 选项?

是否可以在 .ssh/config 中包含 scp 的 -T 选项?

带有 -T 选项的 scp 可以执行以下操作(openssh 实现):

Disable strict filename checking.  By default when copying files from a
remote host to a local directory scp checks that the received filenames
match those requested on the command-line to prevent the remote end from
sending unexpected or unwanted files.  Because of differences in how
various operating systems and shells interpret filename wildcards, these
checks may cause wanted files to be rejected.  This option disables
these checks at the expense of fully trusting that the server will not
send unexpected filenames.

我希望特定主机的 scp 始终使用 -T,因此想将其包含在 .ssh/config 中,但找不到相关选项。可以吗?

请注意,这与 ssh 的 -t 选项不同,使用 RequestTTY 显然可以实现。
