基于浏览器的 SSH 连接失败

基于浏览器的 SSH 连接失败

尝试从 Web 浏览器连接到 AWS 中的 Ubuntu 计算机。 在此输入图像描述


There was a problem setting up the instance connection
Log in failed. If this instance has just started up, try again in a minute or two.




详细说明之前的答案:是的,ec2-instance-connect在 Ubuntu 上安装确实有帮助。要使用基于浏览器的 SSH 客户端,需要正确配置密钥 - 这正是该软件包的作用。以下是包装中的描述:

Description: Configures ssh daemon to accept EC2 Instance Connect ssh keys
 EC2 Instance Connect is a service that publishes ssh keys for use by EC2
 instances based on AWS Credentials. These keys are consumed by on-instance
 configuration provided by this package. The ssh daemon will query EC2
 Instance Metadata service for user-keys at ssh calltime, validate any if
 present as well as validating their signature, and if all checks pass return
 will include them in the authorized keys list.
 In addition, there is an agent that harvests instance ssh host keys and
 passes them back to the service.  This is for authentication purposes by
 the EC2 console to open an in-browser ssh terminal connection.


  1. A standalone SSH client使用ssh连接 AWS 服务器。
  2. ec2-instance-connect在 Ubuntu 上安装包。例如。 apt-get 安装 ec2-instance-connect。

下次,您可以使用基于浏览器的 SSH 连接。
