正则表达式:查找包含至少 3 个关键字的 HTML 标签

正则表达式:查找包含至少 3 个关键字的 HTML 标签


was, where, were, some, then, than, that, can, by, the, and, with, over, there, is, as, also, through, from, while, just, like, for, such, if, else, still, again, want, will, wish, make, made, well, have, had, has, it, be, do, say, others, go, know, see, think, look, give, use, find, tell, ask, work, seem, feel, try, leave, call, get, take, too, in, addition, to, could, who, he, she, because, of, your, yours, their, doesn't, are, an, these, this, those, but, at, whom, or, out, how, when, between, his, her, they, them, my, without, maybe, even, show, can't, must, couldn't, now, i'm, many, come, own, self, seen, it’s, we, any, other, coming, so, found, more, much, all, very, same, did, which, does, on


<meta name="description" content="Simply Red are a British soul and pop band which formed in Manchester in 1985. The lead vocalist of the band is singer and songwriter Mick Hucknall by">


<meta name="description" content="Simply Red - британская соул- и поп-группа, образованная в Манчестере в 1985 году. Ведущим вокалистом группы является певец и автор песен Мик Хакнелл.">

所以,我想检查所有包含用英文书写的标签的 html 文件。为此,我必须找到那些从开头就包含至少 3 个该关键字的 html 标签。


搜索:(?-s)<meta name="description".+?(?:(was|is|as|on|and|in)).+>


(?-s)<meta name="description".*?(was|where|were|some|then|than|that|can|by|the|and|with|over|there|is|as|also|through|from|while|just|like|for|such|if|else|still|again|want|will|wish|make|made|well|have|had|has|it|be|do|say|others|go|know|see|think|look|give|use|find|tell|ask|work|seem|feel|try|leave|call|get|take|too|in|addition|to|could|who|he|she|because|of|your|yours|their|doesn't|are|an|these|this|those|but|at|whom|or|out|how|when|between|his|her|they|them|my|without|maybe|even|show|can't|must|couldn't|now|i'm|many|come|own|self|seen|it’s|we|any|other|coming|so|found|more|much|all|very|same|did|which|does|on).+>



您的列表太大,因此为了演示该技巧,这里有一个包含四个单词的小列表的示例 one two three four



  • (one|two|three|four):捕获组中的其中一个单词
  • .*:查找任意数量的字符
  • (?-1):查找该组后面的另一个匹配项(递归子模式)
