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<meta name="description" content="Simply Red are a British soul and pop band which formed in Manchester in 1985. The lead vocalist of the band is singer and songwriter Mick Hucknall by">
<meta name="description" content="Simply Red - британская соул- и поп-группа, образованная в Манчестере в 1985 году. Ведущим вокалистом группы является певец и автор песен Мик Хакнелл.">
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(?-s)<meta name="description".*?(was|where|were|some|then|than|that|can|by|the|and|with|over|there|is|as|also|through|from|while|just|like|for|such|if|else|still|again|want|will|wish|make|made|well|have|had|has|it|be|do|say|others|go|know|see|think|look|give|use|find|tell|ask|work|seem|feel|try|leave|call|get|take|too|in|addition|to|could|who|he|she|because|of|your|yours|their|doesn't|are|an|these|this|those|but|at|whom|or|out|how|when|between|his|her|they|them|my|without|maybe|even|show|can't|must|couldn't|now|i'm|many|come|own|self|seen|it’s|we|any|other|coming|so|found|more|much|all|very|same|did|which|does|on).+>