


这是我迄今为止的尝试,但效果并不好——即使用户已经 main.cpp当我只想要 3 个可能的输出时,我根本不需要文件:

  1. 没有任何警告,继续建造;
  2. 递归找到文件,但发送了警告;
  3. 未找到文件且出错,但继续处理其他文件夹。


function Copy-Files {
    param (

    # Try to copy assignment files to the marking folder. Check error conditions and warn marker appropriately.
    try {
        $DoneFiles | ForEach-Object {
            Copy-Item -Force -Path "$CurrentDir\$_" -Destination .\marking -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        try {
            $DoneFiles | ForEach-Object {
                Get-ChildItem -Path $CurrentDir -File -Recurse -Filter "$_" | Copy-Item -Force -Destination .\marking -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Warning "$StudentNumber did not follow the specified folder convention, but all files were submitted."
        catch {
            Write-Error -Message "$StudentNumber did not submit any of: $DoneFiles." -Category InvalidData
            Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to continue"

Get-ChildItem -Directory -Filter "*_lab${Env:AssignNumber}" | ForEach-Object {
    $CurrentFolder = $_
    $StudentNumber = $CurrentFolder.Name.Replace("_lab${Env:AssignNumber}", "")

    Copy-Files -CurrentDir $CurrentFolder -StudentNum $StudentNumber

    if ($AllFound -and $IsCMake) {
        Invoke-CMake -DoneFileNames $DoneFiles -IsFirstCompile $FirstCompile -StudentNum $StudentNumber
    # Run VS Code with diff
    Compare-Code -DoneFileNames $DoneFiles -StudentNum $StudentNumber


问题在于 的一个尴尬行为Copy-Item。如果您通过管道传递一个空/null 集合(例如来自Get-ChildItem),它不会出错。与您可能预期的不同,因为管道确实$null会引发错误:

Get-ChildItem './MySrc' -Filter 'BadFilter' | Copy-Item ./MyDst  ## No Error
$Null | Copy-Item ./MyDst  ## Does Error

If (Test-Path){}对于文件,我更喜欢像Try/这样的结构,Catch以便在尝试更改之前确保路径等仍然有效:

# Check if file exists in correct path and copy,
If (Test-Path "$CurrentDir\$_") {
  Copy-Item -Force -Path "$CurrentDir\$_" -Destination .\marking

# Otherwise check recursively for the correct file and show a warning if found
ElseIf (Get-ChildItem -Path $CurrentDir -File -Recurse -Filter "$_") {
  Write-Warning "$StudentNumber did not follow the specified folder convention, but all files were submitted."
  Get-ChildItem -Path $CurrentDir -File -Recurse -Filter "$_" |
    Copy-Item -Force -Destination .\marking

# Error out if file not found
Else { 
  Write-Error -Message "$StudentNumber did not submit any of: $DoneFiles." -Category InvalidData
  Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to continue"
