Windows 10 更新错误:BITS 服务“请求的服务已启动”

Windows 10 更新错误:BITS 服务“请求的服务已启动”

运行 Windows 10 Pro 64 位。


There were problems downloading some updates, but we'll try again later. 
If you keep seeing this, try searching the web or contacting support for help. 
This error code might help: (0x80070001)


Detection details 

IsPostback: False 
Service Status 
Problem with BITS service : The requested service has already been started. 
System.Management.Automation.RemoteException M
ore help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2182.

Background Intelligent Transfer Service 
Find and fix problems that may prevent background downloads from working 
Package Version: 3.5 
Publisher: Microsoft Windows 
Windows Network Diagnostics 
Detects problems with network connectivity. 
Package Version: 4.0 
Publisher: Microsoft Windows 
Windows Update 
Resolve problems that prevent you from updating Windows. 
Package Version: 9.3 
Publisher: Microsoft Windows 
Windows Update 
Resolve problems that prevent you from updating Windows. 
Package Version: 9.2 
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation 

Windows Update Publisher details 

Potential issues that were checked 
Some security settings are missing or have been changed
Some security settings are missing or have been changed 
Issue not present  
Check for missing or corrupt files
Check for missing or corrupt files 
Issue not present  
Service registration is missing or corrupt
Service registration is missing or corrupt 
Issue not present  
Check for Windows Update issues
Check for Windows Update issues
Detects issues related to Windows Update. I
ssue not present  

Potential issues that were checked 
Detection details 

 Some security settings are missing or have been changed Issue not present  
 Check for missing or corrupt files 
Issue not present  
 Service registration is missing or corrupt 
Issue not present  
 Check for Windows Update issues 
Issue not present  
Detects issues related to Windows Update. 


对您的问题的常见初步回答是运行 DISM、SFC 步骤序列。


因此现在进行 Windows 10 修复安装。


Windows 10 正在运行,因此请单击下载按钮(而不是升级按钮)并选择运行。

根据错误的严重程度,有 3 种方法可以处理。

(1) 保留所有内容:最好是电脑能正常工作,除了修理之外,电脑恢复到您设置的状态。一定要备份,但一般不会丢失任何内容。

(2) 保留数据:如果操作系统损坏严重,则必须保留数据。保留用户配置文件,使软件安装变得相当容易。始终要有备份,但数据通常不会丢失。

(3) 不保留任何内容:删除用户配置文件和所有其他内容,本质上是全新安装。请确保您已备份所有数据。如果用户配置文件损坏,则必须“不保留任何内容”,因为损坏的用户配置文件无法修复,并且如果用户配置文件损坏,通常更容易备份并重新开始。这取决于具体情况。

