在 Linux 上使用 wget 或 curl 进行管道传输

在 Linux 上使用 wget 或 curl 进行管道传输

我想知道如何使用 wget 和/或 curl 从互联网上下载文件,将文件分成等份,然后使用 8 或 16 个直接链接下载文件,从而大幅提高下载性能。

PS:aria2c 怎么样?它可以使用并发下载链接吗?


通过使用apt install aria2c命令安装 aria2c 并使用这些参数,我可以使用指向同一文件的多个链接以全带宽下载我的文件:

aria2c -c -V -j 1 -k 5M -s 16 "link"

-c, --continue[=true|false]  Continue downloading a partially downloaded
                              file. Use this option to resume a download
                              started by a web browser or another program
                              which downloads files sequentially from the
                              beginning. Currently this option is only
                              applicable to http(s)/ftp downloads.

                              Possible Values: true, false
                              Default: false
                              Tags: #basic, #http, #ftp
-V, --check-integrity[=true|false] Check file integrity by validating piece
                              hashes or a hash of entire file. This option has
                              effect only in BitTorrent, Metalink downloads
                              with checksums or HTTP(S)/FTP downloads with
                              --checksum option. If piece hashes are provided,
                              this option can detect damaged portions of a file
                              and re-download them. If a hash of entire file is
                              provided, hash check is only done when file has
                              been already download. This is determined by file
                              length. If hash check fails, file is
                              re-downloaded from scratch. If both piece hashes
                              and a hash of entire file are provided, only
                              piece hashes are used.

                              Possible Values: true, false
                              Default: false
                              Tags: #basic, #metalink, #bittorrent, #file, #checksum

 -j, --max-concurrent-downloads=N Set maximum number of parallel downloads for
                              every static (HTTP/FTP) URL, torrent and metalink.
                              See also --split and --optimize-concurrent-downloads options.

                              Possible Values: 1-*
                              Default: 5
                              Tags: #basic

 -k, --min-split-size=SIZE    aria2 does not split less than 2*SIZE byte range.
                              For example, let's consider downloading 20MiB
                              file. If SIZE is 10M, aria2 can split file into 2
                              range [0-10MiB) and [10MiB-20MiB) and download it
                              using 2 sources(if --split >= 2, of course).
                              If SIZE is 15M, since 2*15M > 20MiB, aria2 does
                              not split file and download it using 1 source.
                              You can append K or M(1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K).

                              Possible Values: 1048576-1073741824
                              Default: 20M
                              Tags: #basic, #http, #ftp

-s, --split=N                Download a file using N connections. If more
                              than N URIs are given, first N URIs are used and
                              remaining URLs are used for backup. If less than
                              N URIs are given, those URLs are used more than
                              once so that N connections total are made
                              simultaneously. The number of connections to the
                              same host is restricted by the 
                              --max-connection-per-server option. See also the
                              --min-split-size option.

                              Possible Values: 1-*
                              Default: 5
                              Tags: #basic, #http, #ftp
