从命令行运行 VLC 播放器时如何修复这些警告消息?

从命令行运行 VLC 播放器时如何修复这些警告消息?

我使用 Homebrew 在 macOS 上安装了 VLC 播放器,然后当从命令行运行它时,我收到许多消息/警告:

% which vlc
% vlc
VLC media player 3.0.16 Vetinari (revision 3.0.16-0-g5e70837d8d)
[00007f8476012eb0] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
2021-12-25 19:05:48.211 VLC[10273:272753] Can't find app with identifier com.apple.iTunes
2021-12-25 19:05:48.439 VLC[10273:272753] Can't find app with identifier com.spotify.client
[00007f847621e240] auhal audio output error: AudioObjectAddPropertyListener failed, device id 251, prop: [atfp], OSStatus: 1852797029
[00007f847621e240] auhal audio output error: AudioObjectAddPropertyListener failed, device id 239, prop: [atfp], OSStatus: 1852797029
[00007f847621e240] auhal audio output error: AudioObjectAddPropertyListener failed, device id 55, prop: [atfp], OSStatus: 1852797029
[00007f847621e240] auhal audio output error: AudioObjectAddPropertyListener failed, device id 66, prop: [atfp], OSStatus: 1852797029


% which cvlc
cvlc not found



事实证明,使用界面规范从命令行运行 VLC 播放的语法是使用--intf(或-I) 选项:

vlc --intf <接口名称>


vlc -l | grep -iF interface
VLC media player 3.0.16 Vetinari (revision 3.0.16-0-g5e70837d8d)
18:  macosx                 Mac OS X interface
21:  ncurses                Ncurses interface
127:  oldrc                  Remote control interface
140:  lua                    Command-line interface
144:  lua                    Lua Playlist Parser Interface
160:  dummy                  Dummy interface
202:  motion                 motion control interface
353:  hotkeys                Hotkeys management interface
370:  gestures               Mouse gestures control interface


vlc -I dummy my_audio.mp3


vlc -I lua my_audio.mp3


vlc my_audio.mp3

