在 Windows 10 上通过 cmd 中的 For 循环将文件名传递给 PowerShell 时,如何在批处理文件中转义 &(与号)和 @(At 符号)

在 Windows 10 上通过 cmd 中的 For 循环将文件名传递给 PowerShell 时,如何在批处理文件中转义 &(与号)和 @(At 符号)

我们在 Windows 10 和 Windows Server 2016/2019 上的 cmd 中使用 .cmd 批处理脚本,其中有一个“标头”,

  • 将文件复制到 %Temp% 文件夹位置,然后
  • 通过 UAC 提升提示请求管理权限。批处理文件从 %Temp% 文件夹运行后,它会
  • 从 %Temp% 文件夹中删除自身,同时保留原始文件。


  • 文件名中的 &(与号)或
  • @(at 符号),文件名中至少有一个空格。
    但是,如果没有空格,@ 不会影响脚本。



@echo off
Title %~n0
GoTo Begin

::"Self-destruction" part that deletes batch file copy in %Temp% folder and confirms whether file was actually deleted.

Start /min cmd /c (@echo off^&Title "%~nx0" Temp Batch File Deletion^&echo [93mDeleting file "%Temp%\%~nx0" . . . [39m^&TimeOut 5 /NoBreak ^>nul 2^>^&1^&Del /a "%Temp%\%~nx0"^&ClS^&If Exist "%Temp%\%~nx0" ^(echo [91mFile "%Temp%\%~nx0" could not be deleted![39m^&Pause ^>nul 2^>^&1^) else ^(echo [92mFile "%Temp%\%~nx0" deleted successfully![39m^&TimeOut 5 /NoBreak ^>nul 2^>^&1^))
If NOT Defined Elev (@TimeOut 5 /NoBreak >nul 2>&1)
GoTo :EoF


::Setting variable %_nx0% derived from %~nx0 with several characters escaped for copying file to %Temp% folder

Set "_nx0=%~nx0"
Set "_nx0=%_nx0:(=^(%"
Set "_nx0=%_nx0:)=^)%"
Set "_nx0=%_nx0:,=^,%"
Set "_nx0=%_nx0:;=^;%"
Set "_nx0=%_nx0:&=^&%"
Set "_nx0=%_nx0:@=^@%"
Set "_nx0=%_nx0: =^ %"

::Setting variable %_dpnx0% derived from %~dpnx0 with several characters escaped for passing file name to PowerShell

Set "_dpnx0=%~dpnx0"
Set "_dpnx0=%_dpnx0:)=^)%"
Set "_dpnx0=%_dpnx0:,=^,%"
Set "_dpnx0=%_dpnx0:;=^;%"
::How to escape & and @ for passing to PowerShell's "Start-Process" in a cmd "For" loop?
Set "_dpnx0=%_dpnx0:&=^^^&%"
Set "_dpnx0=%_dpnx0:@=^^^@%"
Set "_dpnx0=%_dpnx0: =^ %"

::Just a test line to debug new variables
::echo %_nx0%&echo %_dpnx0%&TimeOut 3 >nul

::Commands to confirm whether file is in %Temp% folder and to copy it there if it isn't

If NOT "%~dp0" == "%Temp%\" (Copy /y "%~dpnx0" "%Temp%" >nul 2>&1&&Start cmd /c "%Temp%\%_nx0%"&&exit /b)

::Commands to confirm via PowerShell command whether file is run with admin privileges and to request them by restarting script via PowerShell's "-Verb RunAs" command if file is run without admin privileges
::a "For" loop is used to set variable %Elev% to pass elevation confirmation from PowerShell's "$?" command back to cmd as "True" or "False"
::If file is run with admin privileges run :Main part below and end script with :End self-destruction command above
::If File is run without admin privileges end script via ":EoF" command

net file >nul 2>&1
If %ErrorLevel%==0 (Call :Main&GoTo End) Else (
    For /f "Tokens=* UseBackQ" %%f in (`PowerShell -NoLogo -Command "& { Start-Process \"%_dpnx0%\" -Verb RunAs;$? }"`) Do (Set "Elev=%%f"))
If %Elev%==False (GoTo End) else (GoTo :EoF)

::Main part of script after header

echo [38;5;202mTesting the batch header . . . [39
TimeOut 5 >nul

该脚本包括ANSI 转义序列选择图形渲染 (SGR) 参数为脚本回显的文本着色。
[(左方括号)之前的字符是“”(ASCII 转义字符 不带引号)。


  • FileName12345.cmd(仅限数字和/或字母)
  • 文件名 12345.cmd(带空格的数字和/或字母)
  • (文件),;. 名称 12345.cmd(带空格的数字和/或字母以及上面的有效字符)
  • [电子邮件保护](数字和/或字母以及至少一个@符号没有任何空格


  • File&Name12345.cmd(文件名中至少有一个 & 符号)
  • 文件@Name12345.cmd(至少一个@符号至少有一个空格


可能有更简单的方法来创建这样的脚本,但是,高层出于某种原因只允许使用 cmd 和 PowerShell 来使用此脚本。他们也不想费心更改输入文件名,可能是出于临时的成本原因。

