如何使用 PowerShell 从 txt 列表中复制行并将其粘贴到另一个 txt 中的特定行?

如何使用 PowerShell 从 txt 列表中复制行并将其粘贴到另一个 txt 中的特定行?

我对 PowerShell 还比较陌生。我希望能够从列表文件中复制一行文本并将其粘贴到另一个文本文件的特定行上。


Get-Content C:\Temp\Megateo\Hash.txt -TotalCount 121 | Select-Object -Skip 1 -First 1 > C:\Temp\Megateo\Monin.txt



代码 ...

$FirstFile = "$env:TEMP\FirstFile.txt"
$SecondFile = "$env:TEMP\SecondFile.txt"
$ThirdFile = "$env:TEMP\ThirdFile.txt"

#region "make files to work with"
# remove this entire "#region/#endregion" block when you are ready to work with your real data

# make a "first file" to work with
1..66 |
    ForEach-Object {
        '{0} is the 1st file line number' -f $_
        } |
    Set-Content -LiteralPath $FirstFile -Force

# make a "second file" to work with
1..66 |
    ForEach-Object {
        '--- {0} is the 2nd file line number ---' -f $_
        } |
    Set-Content -LiteralPath $SecondFile -Force
#endregion "make files to work with"

$1stFileSourceLine = 33
$2ndFileDestLine = 11
#$2ndFileDestLine = 17
#$2ndFileDestLine = 22

# the "-1" is because collections start at zero
$LineFromFirstFile = (Get-Content -LiteralPath $FirstFile)[$1stFileSourceLine - 1]
$SecondFile_Content = Get-Content -LiteralPath $SecondFile

$SecondFile_Content[$2ndFileDestLine - 1] = $LineFromFirstFile

Set-Content -LiteralPath $ThirdFile -Value $SecondFile_Content -Force



--- 6 is the 2nd file line number ---
--- 7 is the 2nd file line number ---
--- 8 is the 2nd file line number ---
--- 9 is the 2nd file line number ---
--- 10 is the 2nd file line number ---
33 is the 1st file line number
--- 12 is the 2nd file line number ---
--- 13 is the 2nd file line number ---
--- 14 is the 2nd file line number ---
--- 15 is the 2nd file line number ---
--- 16 is the 2nd file line number ---



  • 设置文件位置和名称

  • 创建用标记包裹的第 1 和第 2 个文件#region/#endregion。确认代码按预期工作后,只需将其删除。
  • 设置要复制的源文件行
  • 设置目标文件行来替换
  • 读取第一个文件并抓取源文件行,
    正如注释指出的那样,索引号相差一 - 并且代码通过减去 1 来纠正它。
  • 读入第二个文件
  • 用第一个文件中的源行替换第二个文件的目标行
  • 将修改后的文件内容发送到,$ThirdFile
