USB 1.0/2.0 停止工作,但 USB 3.0+ 仍可工作。Acer 笔记本电脑,Windows 11/Linux Mint

USB 1.0/2.0 停止工作,但 USB 3.0+ 仍可工作。Acer 笔记本电脑,Windows 11/Linux Mint

这款笔记本电脑是 2017 Acer Spin 5 SP515-51GN,其内部与 Nitro Spin NP515-51 相同。

笔记本电脑有三个 USB-A 端口和一个 USB-C 端口。为清楚起见,请编辑:所有端口均为 USB 3。没有专用的 USB 2 端口。

症状:所有 USB 3.0+(超高速)设备均可工作,包括通过菊花链式 USB 3 集线器(通过 USB A 或 C 连接)。但是,无法检测到 USB 1/2 设备或集线器。再也没有咔哒咔哒的键盘或花哨的声卡 :(故障前没有可识别的原因或重大事件。Windows 11 和 Linux Mint 中的症状相同。

图 1:USB 设备树查看器,其中 USB 3.0 Kingston 闪存驱动器通过两个 USB 3 集线器连接。USB 2.0 闪存驱动器也已连接但未被检测到。(显示的其他设备是笔记本电脑的内置硬件(键盘等)。注意:F=全速=USB 1,H=高速=USB 2,S=超高速=USB 3。内置硬件正常运行 - 显然是通过全速和高速连接?)

USB 设备树查看器,其中有一个 USB 3.0 Kingston 闪存驱动器,通过两个 USB 3 集线器连接。USB 2.0 闪存驱动器也已连接,但未被检测到。

图 2:这些突出显示的行可能是线索吗?“HubIs2.xCapable”是可以在固件/驱动程序中更改的标志吗?

USB 集线器规格


  • 将 Windows 系统还原到问题出现之前的时间
  • 通过 Windows 设备管理器卸载并重新安装 USB 根集线器驱动程序


  • 其中一个 USB-A 端口完全无法使用。最初有两个端口停止工作,但后来其中一个端口又恢复了工作,原因不明。
  • 我之前曾拆开过笔记本电脑清理灰尘,因此不能排除机械损坏的可能性。但是,USB 端口直接焊接在主板上,因此排除了连接器松动的可能性。


    ========================== My Computer ==========================
Operating System       : Windows 10 Home: NT10.0 Build 22000.556 Version 2009 SP0 type=1 suite=300 x64
Computer Name          : S22
Admin Privileges       : yes

UsbTreeView Version    : (x64)

USB Host Controllers   : 1
USB Root Hubs          : 1
USB Standard Hubs      : 0
USB Peripheral Devices : 4
===================== USB Host Controller =======================

        +++++++++++++++++ Device Information ++++++++++++++++++
Friendly Name            : Intel(R) USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller - 1.0 (Microsoft)
Device Description       : USB xHCI Compliant Host Controller
Device Path              : \\?\PCI#VEN_8086&DEV_9D2F&SUBSYS_12341025&REV_21#3&11583659&0&A0#{3abf6f2d-71c4-462a-8a92-1e6861e6af27} (GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_HOST_CONTROLLER)
Kernel Name              : \Device\NTPNP_PCI0003
Device ID                : PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D2F&SUBSYS_12341025&REV_21\3&11583659&0&A0
Vendor                   : Intel
Hardware IDs             : PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D2F&SUBSYS_12341025&REV_21 PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D2F&SUBSYS_12341025 PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D2F&CC_0C0330 PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D2F&CC_0C03
Driver KeyName           : {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}\0000 (GUID_DEVCLASS_USB)
Driver                   : \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\USBXHCI.SYS (Version: 10.0.22000.469  Date: 2022-01-28)
Driver Inf               : C:\WINDOWS\inf\usbxhci.inf
Legacy BusType           : PCIBus
Class                    : USB
Class GUID               : {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000} (GUID_DEVCLASS_USB)
Service                  : USBXHCI
Enumerator               : PCI
Location Info            : PCI bus 0, device 20, function 0
Manufacturer Info        : Generic USB xHCI Host Controller
Capabilities             : 0x00 (-)
Status                   : 0x0180000A (DN_DRIVER_LOADED, DN_STARTED, DN_NT_ENUMERATOR, DN_NT_DRIVER)
Problem Code             : 0
Address                  : 1310720 (0x140000)
HcDisableSelectiveSuspend: 0
EnableSelectiveSuspend   : 0
SelectiveSuspendEnabled  : 0
EnhancedPowerMgmtEnabled : 0
IdleInWorkingState       : 1
WakeFromSleepState       : 0
Power State              : D0 (supported: D0, D3, wake from D3)
 Child Device 1          : USB Root Hub (USB 3.0)
  Device Path            : \\?\USB#ROOT_HUB30#4&20cdc8ed&1&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8} (GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_HUB)
  Kernel Name            : \Device\USBPDO-0
  Device ID              : USB\ROOT_HUB30\4&20CDC8ED&1&0
  Class                  : USB
  Driver KeyName         : {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}\0001 (GUID_DEVCLASS_USB)
  Service                : USBHUB3
  LocationPaths          : PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1400)#USBROOT(0)  ACPI(_SB_)#ACPI(PCI0)#ACPI(XHC_)#ACPI(RHUB)

        --------------- USB Hostcontroller Info0 --------------
PciVendorId              : 0x8086 (Intel)
PciDeviceId              : 0x9D2F
PciRevision              : 0x21
NumberOfRootPorts        : 0x0C (12 Ports)
ControllerFlavor         : 0x00 (0 = USB_HcGeneric)
HcFeatureFlags           : 0x08
 Port Power Switching    : no
 Selective Suspend       : no
 Legacy BIOS             : no

Roothub Symbolic Link    : USB#ROOT_HUB30#4&20cdc8ed&1&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}

        ----------- USB Hostcontroller BusStatistics ----------
DeviceCount              : 0x05 (5)
CurrentSystemTime        : 0x01D833A051FD1A0F (2022-03-09 11:27:47)
CurrentUsbFrame          : 0x4422E6 (4465382)
BulkBytes                : 0x00 (0)
IsoBytes                 : 0x00 (0)
InterruptBytes           : 0x00 (0)
ControlDataBytes         : 0x00 (0)
PciInterruptCount        : 0x01 (1)
HardResetCount           : 0x00 (0)
WorkerSignalCount        : 0x00 (0)
CommonBufferBytes        : 0x00 (0)
WorkerIdleTimeMs         : 0x00 (0)
RootHubEnabled           : 0x01 (yes)
RootHubDevicePowerState  : 0x00 (D0)
Unused                   : 0x00 (0)
NameIndex                : 0x00 (0)

        ------ USB Hostcontroller Driver Version Params -------
DriverTrackingCode       : 0x04
USBDI_Version            : 0x600
USBUSER_Version          : 0x04
CheckedPortDriver        : 0x00
CheckedMiniportDriver    : 0x00
USB_Version              : 0x00

        ---------- USB Hostcontroller Bandwidth Info ----------
DeviceCount              : 0x00000000 (0)
TotalBusBandwidth        : 0x0006D600 (448000 bits/ms = 56 MB/s)
Total32secBandwidth      : 0x00DAC000 (14336000 bits/32ms = 56 MB/s)
AllocedBulkAndControl    : 0x002BC000 (2867200 bits/32ms = 11.200 MB/s = 20%)
AllocedIso               : 0x00000000 (0 bits/32ms)
AllocedInterrupt_1ms     : 0x00000000 (0 bits/32ms)
AllocedInterrupt_2ms     : 0x00000000 (0 bits/32ms)
AllocedInterrupt_4ms     : 0x00000000 (0 bits/32ms)
AllocedInterrupt_8ms     : 0x00000000 (0 bits/32ms)
AllocedInterrupt_16ms    : 0x00000000 (0 bits/32ms)
AllocedInterrupt_32ms    : 0x00000000 (0 bits/32ms)

        -------- USB Hostcontroller Power States Info ---------
SystemState              : S0    S1    S2    S3    S4    S5    
HcDevicePowerState       : D0    --    --    D3    D3    --    
HcDeviceWake             : D3    D3    D3    D3    D3    D3    
HcSystemWake             : S3    S3    S3    S3    S3    S3    
RhDevicePowerState       : --    D3    D3    D2    D2    --    
RhDeviceWake             : D2    D2    D2    D2    D2    D2    
RhSystemWake             : S4    S4    S4    S4    S4    S4    
LastSystemSleepState     : --    --    --    --    --    --    
CanWakeup                : no    no    no    yes   no    no    
IsPowered                : no    no    no    yes   no    no
========================= USB Root Hub =========================
Sum of Hubs and Devices  : 4
Sum of Endpoints         : 17

        +++++++++++++++++ Device Information ++++++++++++++++++
Device Description       : USB Root Hub (USB 3.0)
Device Path              : \\?\USB#ROOT_HUB30#4&20cdc8ed&1&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8} (GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_HUB)
Kernel Name              : \Device\USBPDO-0
Device ID                : USB\ROOT_HUB30\4&20CDC8ED&1&0
Hardware IDs             : USB\ROOT_HUB30&VID8086&PID9D2F&REV0021 USB\ROOT_HUB30&VID8086&PID9D2F USB\ROOT_HUB30
Driver KeyName           : {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}\0001 (GUID_DEVCLASS_USB)
Driver                   : \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\UsbHub3.sys (Version: 10.0.22000.65  Date: 2021-12-19)
Driver Inf               : C:\WINDOWS\inf\usbhub3.inf
Legacy BusType           : PNPBus
Class                    : USB
Class GUID               : {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000} (GUID_DEVCLASS_USB)
Service                  : USBHUB3
Enumerator               : USB
Location Info            : -
Manufacturer Info        : (Standard USB HUBs)
Capabilities             : 0x80 (SurpriseRemovalOK)
Status                   : 0x0180000A (DN_DRIVER_LOADED, DN_STARTED, DN_NT_ENUMERATOR, DN_NT_DRIVER)
Problem Code             : 0
Address                  : 0
HcDisableSelectiveSuspend: 0
EnableSelectiveSuspend   : 0
SelectiveSuspendEnabled  : 0
EnhancedPowerMgmtEnabled : 0
IdleInWorkingState       : 1
WakeFromSleepState       : 0
Power State              : D0 (supported: D0, D2, D3, wake from D0, wake from D2)

        ------------------- USB Hub Descriptor -----------------
bDescriptorLength        : 0x09 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType          : 0x29 (Hub Descriptor)
bNumberOfPorts           : 0x12 (18 Ports)
wHubCharacteristics      : 0x0000
 Power switching         : Ganged
 Compound device         : No
 Over-current protection : Global
 TT Think Time           : At most 8 FS bit times
 Port Indicators         : Not supported
bPowerOnToPowerGood      : 0x02 (4 ms)
bHubControlCurrent       : 0x00 (0 mA)
*!*ERROR  Descriptor too short: DeviceRemovable needs 3 bytes to hold 1+18 bits
*!*ERROR  Descriptor too short: PortPwrCtrlMask needs 3 bytes to hold 18 bits
Data (HexDump)           : 09 29 12 00 00 02 00 00 00                        .).......
HubIsBusPowered          : 0x00 (Self Powered)

      ---------------- Extended USB Hub Descriptor ---------------
HubType                  : 0x01 (UsbRootHub - a root hub)
HighestPortNumber        : 0x12 (18 Ports)

        ----------------- USB Hub Capabilities ----------------
HubIs2xCapable           : 0 (Is not 2.x capable)
Data (HexDump)           : 00 00 00 00                                       ....

        --------------- USB Hub Capabilities Ex ---------------
HighSpeedCapable         : 0 (No)
HighSpeed                : 1 (Yes)
MultiTtCapable           : 0 (No)
HubIsMultiTt             : 0 (No)
ArmedWakeOnConnect       : 0 (No)
IsBusPowered             : 0 (No)
IsRoot                   : 1 (Yes)
Data (HexDump)           : 12 00 00 00                                       ....
