假设我在(gnu-)screen 中有一个独立的会话:
$ screen -ls
There are screens on:
3629.pts-0.confusion (03/11/22 15:50:21) (Detached)
1 Sockets in /run/screen/S-root.
我不想执行整个过程screen -r 3629.pts-0.confusion
,然后按Ctrl+ a, d。而是只需执行如下操作:
$ screen <some option> 3629.pts-0.confusion | tail -n 2
confus@confusion:/mnt/d2# rsync -aHXAh --info=progress2 /some/dir /some/other/dir
19.30G 10% 5.64MB/s 7:34:31 xfr#0, to-chk=66/321252)
$ # ... coninue about by usual business outside of screen ...
看看现在发生了什么?如果你有几个会话并且可以检查它们,那就太好了for x in session{1..10}; do screen <some option> $x | tail -n 5; done
- 将硬拷贝命令发送到要检查的屏幕并跟踪生成的文件
- 打开您感兴趣的窗口的日志记录并跟踪日志文件(除非您实际上经常检查它们,例如每隔一两分钟,否则我不会这样做)。
选项 1 的 TL;DR:
# In this example the third window/tab (number 2) has the title "test_title", and
# "test_session" is the session name.
# Set the hardcopy output directory to /tmp (only needs to happen once per screen session):
screen -S test_session -p 2 -X hardcopydir /tmp
# Output the last two lines of the third window (number 2):
screen -S test_session -p 2 -X hardcopy && tail -n2 /tmp/hardcopy.2 && rm /tmp/hardcopy.2
我将详细介绍选项 1,因为这很可能是您想要采取的路线。
命令:# In this example the third window/tab (number 2) has the title "test_title", # and "test_session" is the session name. # # Either of these commands will work, and you don't need to pass # "-S test_session" if you only have one screen session and/or you don't # need to pass "-p title/number" if you only have one window in that session. screen -S test_session -p test_title -X chdir /tmp screen -S test_session -p 2 -X chdir /tmp # If only 1 window in the session: screen -S test_session -X chdir /tmp # If only 1 session (with multiple windows): screen -p 2 -X chdir /tmp # Can also only change the directory for hardcopy, if preferred: screen -S test_session -p 2 -X hardcopydir /tmp
将 screen 的当前目录更改为指定目录,或者,如果调用时不带参数,则更改为您的主目录(环境变量 $HOME 的值)。通过“.screenrc”中的“screen”命令或通过“Ca : screen ...”或“Ca c”创建的所有窗口都使用此目录作为其默认目录。如果没有 chdir 命令,则这将是调用 screen 的目录。硬拷贝和日志文件始终写入窗口的默认目录,而不是窗口中运行的进程的当前目录。您可以在 .screenrc 中多次使用此命令以在不同的默认目录中启动各种窗口,但最后一个 chdir 值将影响您以交互方式创建的所有窗口。
硬拷贝目录 目录
发送 hardcopy 命令以使用窗口的当前输出创建一个文件:
命令:# In this example the third window/tab (number 2) has the title "test_title", # and "test_session" is the session name. # # Same rules as above apply if you only have one session or only one window # in a session, so I'll only use the example where you provide the session # name and window number here. # Create a hardcopy with the default filename: screen -S test_session -p 2 -X hardcopy # Create a hardcopy with a designated filename (in this case "output.tmp"): # NOTE: in my testing, this will put the file in the default directory defined # by "chdir" and will ignore the hardcopy directory defined by "hardcopydir" screen -S test_session -p 2 -X hardcopy output.tmp # Create a hardcopy with the default filename including more lines # than are currently shown in the window: screen -S test_session -p 2 -X hardcopy -h
将当前显示的图像写入文件文件,或者,如果没有指定文件名,则 硬拷贝 在默认目录中,n是当前窗口的编号。这将追加或覆盖文件(如果存在)。见下文。如果选项-H被指定时,还转储回滚缓冲区的内容。
命令:# In this example the third window/tab (number 2) has the title "test_title", # and "test_session" is the session name. It also assumes that you # changed screen's default directory or hardcopy directory to /tmp. # # Same rules as above apply if you only have one session or only one window # in a session, so I'll only use the example where you provide the session # name and window number here. # See the last 2 lines of window number 2 in session "test_session": screen -S test_session -p 2 -X hardcopy test.output && tail -n2 /tmp/test.output # Same as above but delete the file afterward (just in case it has sensitive # information or something): screen -S test_session -p 2 -X hardcopy test.output && tail -n2 /tmp/test.output && rm /tmp/test.output
硬拷贝追加 在|离开
如果设置为“on”,screen 将附加到由命令“Ca h”创建的“hardcopy.n”文件,否则每次都会覆盖这些文件。默认为“off”。