

我想强制每个用户使用相同的锁屏图像。我使用组策略选择了我想要的图像Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Control Panel > Personalization > Force a specific default lock screen and logon image


function Set-MachinePermissions {
    $RegistryPathPersonalization = 'HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Personalization'

    If (-NOT (Test-Path $RegistryPathPersonalization)) {
        New-Item -Path $RegistryPathPersonalization -Force

    New-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryPathPersonalization -Name 'LockScreenImage' -Value 'C:\Windows\Web\CSImages\LockScreen.jpg' -PropertyType 'String'
    New-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryPathPersonalization -Name 'LockScreenOverlaysDisabled' -Value '1' -PropertyType 'DWORD'
    New-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryPathPersonalization -Name 'NoChangingLockScreen' -Value '1' -PropertyType 'DWORD'
    New-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryPathPersonalization -Name 'NoLockScreenSlideshow' -Value '1' -PropertyType 'DWORD'



这是我用来设置全新 Windows 安装的完整 PowerShell 脚本。我在 VMWare 虚拟机中对此进行了测试。您显然需要以管理员身份运行该脚本。



# Function to get and confirm password from user.
function Get-Password {
    param (
    # Get the password for user.
    while (-Not ($Match)) {
        # Read the password from user input as a secure string.
        Write-Host "Enter $UserName password:"
        $Password = Read-Host -AsSecureString
        # Read the password confirmation from user input and save as a secure string.
        Write-Host "Confirm $UserName password:"
        $Confirm = Read-Host -AsSecureString

        # Convert password and confirmation to plaintext.
        $PasswordText = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Password))
        $ConfirmText = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Confirm))

        # Check if password and confirmation match
        if (($PasswordText -ceq $ConfirmText) -and (($PasswordText -or $ConfirmText) -ne '')) {
            $Match = $True
            return $Password

        # If the password and confirmation don't match, run the loop till they do.
        else {
            Write-Host "Passwords do not match. Please enter them again."
            $Match = $False

# Function to get user input needed to run the script.
function Get-Info {
    # Get the password for BCCS user.
    $script:BCCSPassword = Get-Password -UserName 'BCCS'

    # Get the password for Student user.
    $script:StudentPassword = Get-Password -UserName 'Student'

    # Get the hostname (computer name) for the computer.
    Write-Host "Enter ComputerName:"
    $script:ComputerName = Read-Host

# Function to create drive to access user registry.
function New-UsersRegistryDrive {
    # Create a new object with the user profile of the user "Student".
    $StudentAcc = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount('Student')

    # Get the security identifier of the user "Student".
    $script:StudentSID = $StudentAcc.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])

    # Create a new drive that gives us access to the registry of all users.
    New-PSDrive -Name 'HKU' -PSProvider 'Registry' -Root 'HKEY_USERS' -Scope 'script'

# Function to change the registry to set user permissions.
function Set-UserPermissions {
    # Get the present working directory.
    $WorkingDirectory = Get-Location

    # Set the location of CSImages folder.
    $ImageSource = "$WorkingDirectory\CSImages"

    # Set the destinations to where the CSImages folder should be copied.
    $ImageDestination = "$env:USERPROFILE\Pictures\CSImages", 'C:\Users\Student\Pictures\CSImages', 'C:\Windows\Web\CSImages'

    # Copy the CSImages folder to the destinations.
    foreach ($i in $ImageDestination) {
        Copy-Item -Path $ImageSource -Destination $i -Recurse -Force

    # Print instructions to change the lock screen. Logging into the "Student" account also is essential as it will load the registry for that users, allowing us to change it.
    Write-Host 'Set the lock screen for BCCS account. It is located in the Pictures folder.'
    Write-Host 'Log into Student account and similarly set the lock screen'
    Write-Host 'Log back into BCCS account and press enter. Do NOT sign out of Student account! Use Win + L to lock screen.'

    # Continue when user presses any key.
    Write-Host -NoNewLine "Press any key to continue..."
    $null = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")

    # Change the desktop wallpaper of current user.
    Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop' -Name 'WallPaper' -Value 'C:\Windows\Web\CSImages\Background.jpg'

    # Create the registry path to needed to disable Windows Spotlight if it doesn't exist.
    if (-Not (Test-Path 'HKCU:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CloudContent')) {
        New-Item -Path 'HKCU:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CloudContent' -Force

    # Disalble Windows Spotlight features for user "BCCS".
    New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CloudContent' -Name 'DisableWindowsSpotlightFeatures' -Value '1' -PropertyType 'DWORD'

    # Create drive to access user registry.

    # Set the registry paths that we need to change to variables.
    $RegistryPathPolicies = "HKU:\$StudentSID\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies"
    $RegistryPathRSD = "HKU:\$StudentSID\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\RemovableStorageDevices"
    $RegistryPathCloudContent = "HKU:\$StudentSID\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CloudContent"

    # Set the registry keys that we need to change to an array.
    $Keys = 'Explorer', 'ActiveDesktop', 'System'

    # Create registry keys if they are missing.
    foreach ($i in $Keys) {
        if (-Not (Test-Path "$RegistryPathPolicies\$i")) {
            New-Item -Path "$RegistryPathPolicies\$i" -Force

    # Create registry keys if they are missing.
    if (-Not (Test-Path $RegistryPathRSD)) {
        New-Item -Path $RegistryPathRSD -Force

    # Create registry keys if they are missing.
    if (-Not (Test-Path $RegistryPathCloudContent)) {
        New-Item -Path $RegistryPathCloudContent -Force

    # Disable Control Panel access by user "Student".
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$RegistryPathPolicies\Explorer" -Name 'NoControlPanel' -Value '1' -PropertyType 'DWORD'

    # Disable changing wallpaper by user "Student".
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$RegistryPathPolicies\ActiveDesktop" -Name 'NoChangingWallPaper' -Value '1' -PropertyType 'DWORD'

    # Set the wallpaper of user "Student".
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$RegistryPathPolicies\System" -Name 'Wallpaper' -Value 'C:\Windows\Web\CSImages\Background.jpg' -PropertyType 'String'

    # Set the wallpaper style to "Fit".
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$RegistryPathPolicies\System" -Name 'WallpaperStyle' -Value '4' -PropertyType 'DWORD'

    # Disable changing locations of personal directories (Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Picures, Videos, etc...)  by user "Student".
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$RegistryPathPolicies\Explorer" -Name 'DisablePersonalDirChange' -Value '1' -PropertyType 'DWORD'

    # Disable access to removable storage media  by user "Student".
    New-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryPathRSD -Name 'Deny_All' -Value '1' -PropertyType 'DWORD'

    # Disable Windows Spotlight features for user "Student.
    New-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryPathCloudContent -Name 'DisableWindowsSpotlightFeatures' -Value '1' -PropertyType 'DWORD'

# Function to create, modify and set permissions of users.
function Set-Users {
    # If the user "BCCS" doesn't exist,
    if (-Not (Get-LocalUser -Name 'BCCS')) {
        # Rename the current user to "BCCS".
        Rename-LocalUser -Name $env:USERNAME -NewName 'BCCS'

    # Modify the user "BCCS" with the password taken from user input and add necessary permissions.
    Set-LocalUser -Name 'BCCS' -Password $BCCSPassword -FullName 'BCCS' -Description 'Main admin account of BCCS.' -AccountNeverExpires -PasswordNeverExpires $True -UserMayChangePassword $True

    # If the user "Student" doesn't exist,
    if (-Not (Get-LocalUser -Name 'Student')) {
        # Create the new user "Student" with the password taken from user input with necessary permissions.
        New-LocalUser -Name 'Student'

    # Modify the user "Student" with the password taken from user input and add necessary permissions.
    Set-LocalUser -Name 'Student' -Password $StudentPassword -FullName 'Student' -Description 'Student account with low privileges.' -AccountNeverExpires -PasswordNeverExpires $True -UserMayChangePassword $False

    # Add the user "Student" to the localgroup "Users".
    Add-LocalGroupMember -Group 'Users' -Member 'Student'

    # Change the registry to set user permissions.

    # Remove the user "Student" from the localgroup "Users".
    Remove-LocalGroupMember -Group 'Users' -Member 'Student'

    # Add the user "Student" to the localgroup "Guests".
    Add-LocalGroupMember -Group 'Guests' -Member 'Student'

# Function to change the registry to set machine permissions.
function Set-MachinePermissions {
    # Set the registry key that we need to change to a variable.
    $RegistryPathPersonalization = 'HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Personalization'

    # If the registry key we need doesn't exist, create it.
    if (-NOT (Test-Path $RegistryPathPersonalization)) {
        New-Item -Path $RegistryPathPersonalization -Force

    # Set the default lock screen image.
    New-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryPathPersonalization -Name 'LockScreenImage' -Value 'C:\Windows\Web\CSImages\LockScreen.jpg' -PropertyType 'String'

    # Disable overlays on the lock screen.
    New-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryPathPersonalization -Name 'LockScreenOverlaysDisabled' -Value '1' -PropertyType 'DWORD'

    # Prevent changing of the lock screen.
    New-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryPathPersonalization -Name 'NoChangingLockScreen' -Value '1' -PropertyType 'DWORD'

    # Prevent using slideshow in lock screen.
    New-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryPathPersonalization -Name 'NoLockScreenSlideshow' -Value '1' -PropertyType 'DWORD'

# Function to rename the computer.
function Set-ComputerName {
    # Set the hostname (computer name) to the name taken from user input.
    Rename-Computer -NewName $ComputerName    

# Function to undo registry changes.
function Undo-RegistryChanges {
    # Create drive to access user registry.

    # Change the desktop wallpaper of current user to default value.
    Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop\' -Name 'WallPaper' -Value 'C:\Windows\web\wallpaper\Windows\img0.jpg'

    # Set the registry keys that need to be deleted to a variable.
    $DeleteRegistryKeys = 'HKCU:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CloudContent\', "HKU:\$StudentSID\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\", "HKU:\$StudentSID\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CloudContent\", "HKU:\$StudentSID\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\RemovableStorageDevices", 'HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Personalization'
    # Delete the registry keys.
    Remove-Item -Path $DeleteRegistryKeys

# Function to set up the computer.
function Invoke-ComputerSetup {
    # Get user input needed to run the script.

    # Clear the screen.

    # Create, modify and set permissions of users.

    # Change the registry to set machine permissions.

    # Rename the computer.

    # Restart the computer after 10 seconds.
    Write-Host "Restarting in 10 seconds..."
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
    Restart-Computer -Force

# If the script was not dot sourced, set up the computer.
if (-Not ($MyInvocation.InvocationName -eq '.')) {




根据我的搜索,我相信,对于当前用户,以下 .reg文件将设置锁屏图像:



[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Lock Screen\Creative]


所有用户的注册表项都可在注册表项下找到 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList。用户可通过该项的值来识别ProfileImagePath。找到用户配置文件的名称后,可在注册表配置单元HKEY_CURRENT_USER下找到 指向的信息。HKEY_USERS

若要使用 PowerShell,请参阅文章 如何使用 PowerShell 修改所有用户的注册表


# Regex pattern for SIDs
$PatternSID = 'S-1-5-21-\d+-\d+\-\d+\-\d+$'
# Get Username, SID, and location of ntuser.dat for all users
$ProfileList = gp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\*' | Where-Object {$_.PSChildName -match $PatternSID} | 
    Select  @{name="SID";expression={$_.PSChildName}}, 
            @{name="Username";expression={$_.ProfileImagePath -replace '^(.*[\\\/])', ''}}
# Get all user SIDs found in HKEY_USERS (ntuder.dat files that are loaded)
$LoadedHives = gci Registry::HKEY_USERS | ? {$_.PSChildname -match $PatternSID} | Select @{name="SID";expression={$_.PSChildName}}
# Get all users that are not currently logged
$UnloadedHives = Compare-Object $ProfileList.SID $LoadedHives.SID | Select @{name="SID";expression={$_.InputObject}}, UserHive, Username
# Loop through each profile on the machine
Foreach ($item in $ProfileList) {
    # Load User ntuser.dat if it's not already loaded
    IF ($item.SID -in $UnloadedHives.SID) {
        reg load HKU\$($Item.SID) $($Item.UserHive) | Out-Null
    # This is where you can read/modify a users portion of the registry 
    # This example lists the Uninstall keys for each user registry hive
    "{0}" -f $($item.Username) | Write-Output
    Get-ItemProperty registry::HKEY_USERS\$($Item.SID)\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | 
        Foreach {"{0} {1}" -f "   Program:", $($_.DisplayName) | Write-Output}
    Get-ItemProperty registry::HKEY_USERS\$($Item.SID)\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | 
        Foreach {"{0} {1}" -f "   Program:", $($_.DisplayName) | Write-Output}
    # Unload ntuser.dat        
    IF ($item.SID -in $UnloadedHives.SID) {
        ### Garbage collection and closing of ntuser.dat ###
        reg unload HKU\$($Item.SID) | Out-Null
