

我想将数据文件和相关批处理文件复制到新目录。我想设置一个条件,即对于第二个目录,从第一个目录中复制一个不同的批处理文件。我一直在努力寻找一个正确语法的示例,以识别条件中的循环计数器。看来诀窍是使用“do if”而不是“do”


@echo off

rem 1 make some dummy files

    echo >> Data_A.txt
    echo >> Data_B.txt
    echo >> Bat_A.txt
    echo >> Bat_B.txt
rem 2 set run numbers in an array
    set run[0]=1
    set run[1]=2

rem 3 set substitutions

    set A=Data_A.txt
    set B=Data_B.txt
    set C=Bat_A.txt
    set D=Bat_B.txt

rem 4 make run directories and copy data files

    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

    for /l %%n in (0,1,1) do (
     md Run_!run[%%n]!
     copy %A% .\Run_!run[%%n]!\ || echo/ERROR: copy %A% .\Run_!run[%%n]!\
     copy %B% .\Run_!run[%%n]!\ || echo/ERROR: copy %B% .\Run_!run[%%n]!\
for /l %%n in (0,1,1) do if %%n == 0  (
     copy %C% .\Run_!run[%%n]!\ || echo/ERROR: if 0 == copy %C% .\Run_!run[%%n]!\
    ) else (
     copy %D% .\Run_!run[%%n]!\ || echo/ERROR: if 1 == copy %D% .\Run_!run[%%n]!\
    tree /f /a  


  A subdirectory or file Run_1 already exists.
          1 file(s) copied.
          1 file(s) copied.
  A subdirectory or file Run_2 already exists.
          1 file(s) copied.
          1 file(s) copied.
          1 file(s) copied.
          1 file(s) copied.
   Folder PATH listing for volume Windows
   Volume serial number is F0A7-2A65
   |   Bat_A.txt
   |   Bat_B.txt
   |   Data_A.txt
   |   Data_B.txt
   |   test2.bat
   |       Bat_A.txt
   |       Data_A.txt
   |       Data_B.txt


@echo off 

rem make some dummy files

    echo >> Data_A.txt
    echo >> Data_B.txt
    echo >> Bat_A.txt
    echo >> Bat_B.txt
rem set run numbers in an array
    set run[0]=1
    set run[1]=2

rem set substitutions

    set A=File_A.txt
    set B=File_B.txt
    set C=Bat_A.txt
    set D=Bat_C.txt

rem make run directories and copy data files

    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

    for /l %%n in (0,1,1) do (
        echo\ md Run_!run[%%n]!
        echo\ copy %A% .\Run_!run[%%n]!\
        echo\ copy %B% .\Run_!run[%%n]!\
rem copy batch files to run directories

    for /l %%n in (0,1,1) do (

      if %%n == 0 (
         echo\ 0 == copy %C% .\Run_!run[%%n]!\
       ) else (
         echo\ 1 == copy %D% .\Run_!run[%%n]!\


  • 输出/结果:
 md Run_1
 copy File_A.txt .\Run_1\
 copy File_B.txt .\Run_1\
 md Run_2
 copy File_A.txt .\Run_2\
 copy File_B.txt .\Run_2\
 0 == copy Bat_A.txt .\Run_1\
 1 == copy Bat_C.txt .\Run_2\

我在 bat 中的命令中添加了一个echo,这反映出循环覆盖正确发生,但我看不清楚:


2.您的问题并未说明文件夹中是否存在名为File_A.txt“File_B.txt Bat_B.txt”的文件。and



@echo off 

rem make some dummy files

    echo >> Data_A.txt
    echo >> Data_B.txt
    echo >> Bat_A.txt
    echo >> Bat_B.txt
rem set run numbers in an array
    set run[0]=1
    set run[1]=2

rem set substitutions

    set A=File_A.txt
    set B=File_B.txt
    set C=Bat_A.txt
    set D=Bat_C.txt

rem make run directories and copy data files

    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

    for /l %%n in (0,1,1) do (
        md Run_!run[%%n]!
        copy %A% .\Run_!run[%%n]!\ || echo/ERROR: copy %A% .\Run_!run[%%n]!\
        copy %B% .\Run_!run[%%n]!\ || echo/ERROR: copy %B% .\Run_!run[%%n]!\
rem copy batch files to run directories

    for /l %%n in (0,1,1) do if %%n == 0  (
         copy %C% .\Run_!run[%%n]!\ || echo/ERROR: if 0 == copy %C% .\Run_!run[%%n]!\
       ) else (
         copy %D% .\Run_!run[%%n]!\ || echo/ERROR: if 1 == copy %D% .\Run_!run[%%n]!\

    tree /f /a  

  • 输出/结果:
The system cannot find the file specified.
ERROR: copy File_A.txt .\Run_1\
The system cannot find the file specified.
ERROR: copy File_B.txt .\Run_1\
The system cannot find the file specified.
ERROR: copy File_A.txt .\Run_2\
The system cannot find the file specified.
ERROR: copy File_B.txt .\Run_2\
        1 file(s) copied.
The system cannot find the file specified.
ERROR: if 1 == copy Bat_C.txt .\Run_2\
Folder PATH listing for volume VBOX_Share
Volume serial number is 02B0B4E0 0100:0007
|   Data_A.txt
|   Data_B.txt
|   Bat_B.txt
|   Bat_A.txt
|   Q1727531.cmd

