

我正在尝试使用 OpenWRT 将广播数据包从一个 LAN 转发到另一个 LAN。我的设置如下: 网络设置 (Netgear R6080 路由器,OpenWrt SNAPSHOT r20168-b2681e584c / LuCI Master git-22.203.79817-25dcd0b)

我已经在两个 LAN 之间设置了端口转发,但计算机上的软件会生成心跳数据包并将其发送到广播 IP、端口 7001,但电路板没有收到它们。因此,我认为发送到广播 IP 的数据包只能由同一 LAN 上的设备接收,因此我需要以某种方式将它们转发到另一个 LAN。

根据维基百科,这是通过 igmpproxy 包完成的。我已经安装了该包并对其进行了如下配置:

config igmpproxy
        option quickleave 1
        option verbose 3
#       [0-3](none, minimal[default], more, maximum)

config phyint
        option network lan
        option zone lan
        option direction upstream
        list altnet

config phyint
        option network LAN_ROBOT
        option zone lan_robot
        option direction downstream


Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Searching for config file at '/var/etc/igmpproxy.conf'
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Config: Quick leave mode enabled.
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Config: Got a phyint token.
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Config: IF: Config for interface br-lan.
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Config: IF: Got upstream token.
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Config: IF: Got ratelimit token '0'.
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Config: IF: Got threshold token '1'.
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Config: IF: Got altnet token
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Config: IF: Altnet: Parsed altnet to 192.168/16.
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: IF name : br-lan
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Next ptr : 0
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Ratelimit : 0
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Threshold : 1
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: State : 1
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Allowednet ptr : 77e0bc50
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Config: Got a phyint token.
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Config: IF: Config for interface eth0.3.
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Config: IF: Got downstream token.
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Config: IF: Got ratelimit token '0'.
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Config: IF: Got threshold token '1'.
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: IF name : eth0.3
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Next ptr : 0
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Ratelimit : 0
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Threshold : 1
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: State : 2
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Allowednet ptr : 0
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: buildIfVc: Interface lo Addr:, Flags: 0x0049, Network: 127/8
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: buildIfVc: Interface eth0.3 Addr:, Flags: 0x1043, Network: 192.168.200/24
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: buildIfVc: Interface eth0.2 Addr:, Flags: 0x1043, Network: 10.0.0/24
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: buildIfVc: Interface br-lan Addr:, Flags: 0x1043, Network: 192.168.1/24
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Found config for eth0.3
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Found config for br-lan
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.notice igmpproxy[10930]: adding VIF, Ix 0 Fl 0x0 IP 0x01c8a8c0 eth0.3, Threshold: 1, Ratelimit: 0
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]:         Network for [eth0.3] : 192.168.200/24
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Found upstrem IF #0, will assing as upstream Vif 3
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.notice igmpproxy[10930]: adding VIF, Ix 1 Fl 0x0 IP 0x0101a8c0 br-lan, Threshold: 1, Ratelimit: 0
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]:         Network for [br-lan] : 192.168.1/24
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]:         Network for [br-lan] : 192.168/16
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Got 262144 byte buffer size in 0 iterations
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Joining all-routers group on vif
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.notice igmpproxy[10930]: Joining group on interface eth0.3
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Joining all igmpv3 multicast routers group on vif
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.notice igmpproxy[10930]: Joining group on interface eth0.3
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: SENT Membership query   from   to
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Sent membership query from to Delay: 10
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Created timeout 1 (#0) - delay 10 secs
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: (Id:1, Time:10)
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Created timeout 2 (#1) - delay 21 secs
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: (Id:1, Time:10)
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: (Id:2, Time:21)
Wed Jul 27 21:04:52 2022 user.notice igmpproxy[10930]: RECV Membership query   from   to
Wed Jul 27 21:04:55 2022 user.notice igmpproxy[10930]: The IGMP message was local multicast. Ignoring.
Wed Jul 27 21:04:56 2022 user.notice igmpproxy[10930]: RECV V2 member report   from     to
Wed Jul 27 21:04:56 2022 user.notice igmpproxy[10930]: The IGMP message was from myself. Ignoring.
Wed Jul 27 21:04:56 2022 user.notice igmpproxy[10930]: RECV V2 member report   from   to
Wed Jul 27 21:04:56 2022 user.notice igmpproxy[10930]: The IGMP message was from myself. Ignoring.
Wed Jul 27 21:04:59 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: About to call timeout 1 (#0)
Wed Jul 27 21:04:59 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Aging routes in table.
Wed Jul 27 21:04:59 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]:
Wed Jul 27 21:04:59 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: Current routing table (Age active routes):
Wed Jul 27 21:04:59 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: -----------------------------------------------------
Wed Jul 27 21:04:59 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: No routes in table...
Wed Jul 27 21:04:59 2022 user.debug igmpproxy[10930]: -----------------------------------------------------
Wed Jul 27 21:04:59 2022 user.notice igmpproxy[10930]: RECV V2 member report   from   to
Wed Jul 27 21:04:59 2022 user.notice igmpproxy[10930]: The IGMP message was from myself. Ignoring.



您的做法是错误的,因为 IGMP 仅适用于多播,而不适用于广播。该心跳协议应该使用多播(或者更好的是单播),而不是广播。如果您无法修复心跳协议以正确使用多播(或者最好是单播),那么您需要找到其他解决方案。

igmpproxy 软件包会查找表明设备正在尝试订阅多播流量的 IGMP 消息。igmpproxy 会使用这些消息来了解需要通过路由器代理哪些多播流。顾名思义,广播已经始终发送到所有设备,而无需任何人订阅。这意味着广播不需要或使用像 IGMP 这样的机制来确保它们被传送到所有主机。无论如何,广播始终会传送到所有主机。


Spiff 的回答确实是正确的,并且最恰当地回答了我的问题,但我想出了一个解决方法,完全满足我的需要。不幸的是,由于向后兼容的目的,我无法更改程序,因此我唯一能做的更改就是路由器本身。我的解决方案是让一个 Python 脚本在路由器启动时运行,该脚本会监听广播并将其镜像到另一个 LAN 上。以下是完整的脚本(使用 Python 3.10.5 测试):


import socket

localPort   = 7001
bufferSize  = 5000
RobotLanSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) #UDP
RobotLanSocket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1)
        UDPServerSocket = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_INET, type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
        UDPServerSocket.bind(('', localPort))
            bytesAddressPair = UDPServerSocket.recvfrom(bufferSize)
            message = bytesAddressPair[0]
            address = bytesAddressPair[1]
            clientMsg = "Message from Client:{}".format(message)
            clientIP  = "Client IP Address:{}".format(address)
            RobotLanSocket.sendto(message, ("", 7001))
    except Exception as e:

为了使其在启动时运行,我安装了 coreutils-nohup 以避免启动脚本时挂断:

opkg update
opkg install coreutils-nohup


/usr/bin/nohup /bin/ &
