当 VeraCrypt 的“修复文件系统”真的花费很长时间并阻止您工作时该怎么办?

当 VeraCrypt 的“修复文件系统”真的花费很长时间并阻止您工作时该怎么办?

更新(我是失去账户访问权限的发帖人):命令“WMIC diskdrive get Status,Model”声称磁盘的“健康状况”为“正常”。但是,如果您尝试浏览/列出磁盘上的文件,文件资源管理器就会永远挂起。“修复”似乎真的需要永远。真不想在这么短的时间内就淘汰这个磁盘。我本来希望永远不会扔掉它们,或者最快在 25 年后扔掉它们。

我的 USB HDD(WD,9 年旧)出了问题。在 VeraCrypt 中安装它时,它会一直加载,并挂起我的整个系统。因此,我在 VeraCrypt 中右键单击它,并一整天都选择“检查文件系统”和“修复系统”,但它只是陷入某种永无休止的繁忙工作中,如下所示:

Attempting to repair the file system on the VeraCrypt volume mounted as H:...
The type of the file system is NTFS.
Volume label is BAKDISK 7.
Fixing critical master file table (MFT) files with MFT mirror.

Stage 1: Examining basic file system structure ...
Deleting corrupt file record segment 0.
Deleting corrupt attribute record (0x80, "")
from file record segment 0x1.
File record segment 4 is unreadable.
File record segment 5 is unreadable.
File record segment 6 is unreadable.
File record segment 7 is unreadable.
File record segment 8 is unreadable.
File record segment 9 is unreadable.
File record segment A is unreadable.
File record segment B is unreadable.
File record segment C is unreadable.
File record segment D is unreadable.
File record segment E is unreadable.
File record segment F is unreadable.
File record segment 10 is unreadable.

[tons of similar stuff redacted]

File record segment 1FA is unreadable.
File record segment 1FB is unreadable.
File record segment 1FC is unreadable.
File record segment 1FD is unreadable.
File record segment 1FE is unreadable.
File record segment 1FF is unreadable.
File record segment 200 is unreadable.
File record segment 201 is unreadable.
File record segment 202 is unreadable.
File record segment 203 is unreadable.
File record segment 204 is unreadable.
Progress: 517 of 716288 done; Stage:  0%; Total:  0%; ETA: 999:00:00 ...



