可疑脚本干扰 /usr/bin/open

可疑脚本干扰 /usr/bin/open

我使用的是 macOS Ventura 13.2.1 (22D68)。我在电脑上运行了一个脚本,结果与这个帖子。因此,一些文件被安装到/tmp/文件夹中,并且安装了 Opera 浏览器。我不知道损坏程度如何,因为我设法立即从临时文件夹中删除所有文件,删除了 Opera 浏览器和 ryderd 守护程序。我现在正在运行防病毒软件(Acronis Cyber​​ Protect)。但是,我注意到一些登录项也被添加到 General->Login Items 中,我特别担心/usr/bin/open显示消息的命令


(见图)。 在此处输入图片描述



/usr/bin/open是 MacOS 的一部分。它至少从 MacOS Mojave 开始就存在了:

McStudio:~ pg$ ls -l /usr/bin/open
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  105952 Jul 11  2021 /usr/bin/open*
McStudio:~ pg$ /usr/bin/open --help
open: unrecognized option `--help'
Usage: open [-e] [-t] [-f] [-W] [-R] [-n] [-g] [-h] [-s <partial SDK name>][-b <bundle identifier>] [-a <application>] [filenames] [--args arguments]
Help: Open opens files from a shell.
      By default, opens each file using the default application for that file.
      If the file is in the form of a URL, the file will be opened as a URL.
      -a                Opens with the specified application.
      -b                Opens with the specified application bundle identifier.
      -e                Opens with TextEdit.
      -t                Opens with default text editor.
      -f                Reads input from standard input and opens with TextEdit.
      -F  --fresh       Launches the app fresh, that is, without restoring windows. Saved persistent state is lost, excluding Untitled documents.
      -R, --reveal      Selects in the Finder instead of opening.
      -W, --wait-apps   Blocks until the used applications are closed (even if they were already running).
          --args        All remaining arguments are passed in argv to the application's main() function instead of opened.
      -n, --new         Open a new instance of the application even if one is already running.
      -j, --hide        Launches the app hidden.
      -g, --background  Does not bring the application to the foreground.
      -h, --header      Searches header file locations for headers matching the given filenames, and opens them.
      -s                For -h, the SDK to use; if supplied, only SDKs whose names contain the argument value are searched.
                        Otherwise the highest versioned SDK in each platform is used.

在 MacOS Ventura 中,应用程序开发人员的“未知”让很多人感到困惑。Apple 论坛上充斥着有关它的问题;它经常被怀疑是恶意软件。这可能是因为在 Ventura 中它出现在登录项中并在后台自动运行,而在例如 Mojave 中则不会。

可以在设置 > 常规 > 登录项中阻止登录时自动运行:


显然,大多数 MacOS 用户都不熟悉这一点 - 我当然不熟悉。新功能似乎是自动启动,它会弹出一个窗口,提示未知开发商的应用程序正在后台运行。
