如何在一段时间后使 root shell 超时?

如何在一段时间后使 root shell 超时?

有没有办法让 root shell '超时'(例如, in gnome-terminal),以便在一定时间后不发出任何命令,shell 退出?

我正在寻找一个适用bash于 Fedora 和kshOpenBSD 的解决方案。


您可以将该变量设置TMOUT为您希望 bash 在没有命令运行时自动注销 shell 之前等待的秒数。


我知道这个问题是关于 Bash 和 Ksh 的。但我想我应该为 csh/tcsh 发布类似的内容以供记录。

在 FreeBSD 上,默认 shell 是 tcsh。您可以使用autologouttcsh shell 的功能自动注销会话。


freebsd82# set -r autologout=’1′
(Wait one minute)
freebsd82# auto-logout
Connection to freebsd82 closed.


autologout (+)
     The first word is the number of minutes  of  inactivity  before
     automatic  logout.   The  optional second word is the number of
     minutes of inactivity before automatic locking.  When the shell
     automatically logs out, it prints `auto-logout', sets the vari-
     able logout to `automatic' and exits.  When the shell automati-
     cally locks, the user is required to enter his password to con-
     tinue working.  Five incorrect  attempts  result  in  automatic
     logout.  Set to `60' (automatic logout after 60 minutes, and no
     locking) by default in login and superuser shells, but  not  if
     the shell thinks it is running under a window system (i.e., the
     DISPLAY environment variable is set), the tty is  a  pseudo-tty
     (pty)  or  the shell was not so compiled (see the version shell
     variable).  See also the afsuser and logout shell variables.
