gap> G:=DihedralGroup(120);;
gap> rep:=RegularActionHomomorphism(G);;
gap> H:=Image(rep,G);
<permutation group of size 120 with 5 generators>
gap> mats:=List(GeneratorsOfGroup(H),x->PermutationMat(x,120,GF(5)));
gap> A:=Algebra(GF(5),mats);
<algebra over GF(5), with 5 generators>
gap> R:=RadicalOfAlgebra(A);
<algebra of dimension 96 over GF(5)>
gap> gens:=List(Basis(R),x->x+One(A));;
gap> B:=Group(gens);
<matrix group with 96 generators>
gap> LoadPackage("Recog");
gap> Size(RecognizeGroup(B));
F dim= 120 field=5 0
gap> 5^96;
gap> LoadPackage("matgrp");
Matrix Group Interface routines by A. Hulpke
gap> ff:=FittingFreeLiftSetup(B);;
Error, reached the pre-set memory limit
(change it with the -o command line option) in
return SiftedVectorForGaussianRowSpace(
LeftActingDomain( UnderlyingLeftModule( B ) ), BasisVectors( B ),
B!.heads, v )
; at /opt/homebrew/Cellar/gap/4.12.2/libexec/lib/vspcrow.gi:435 called from
SiftedVector( basis, vec * g
) at /opt/homebrew/Cellar/gap/4.12.2/libexec/pkg/matgrp/lib/recograt.gi:39 called from
op( orb[i], gens[j]
) at /opt/homebrew/Cellar/gap/4.12.2/libexec/pkg/orb/gap/orbits.gi:1206 called from
AddGeneratorsToOrbit( SS!.orb, [ r.rem ]
); at /opt/homebrew/Cellar/gap/4.12.2/libexec/pkg/genss/gap/genss.gi:1222 called from
AddGeneratorToStabilizerChain( topS, x
); at /opt/homebrew/Cellar/gap/4.12.2/libexec/pkg/genss/gap/genss.gi:807 called from
GENSS_RandomElementFromAbove( S, layer
) at /opt/homebrew/Cellar/gap/4.12.2/libexec/pkg/genss/gap/genss.gi:883 called from
... at *stdin*:14
you can 'return;'