当我导航到我的 git repo 目录时,命令行会显示很多内容。它看起来像 git-show-branch 的输出。我尝试编辑我的 git 配置文件以更改 [show-branch] 的默认值,但无济于事。我的提示中列出了大约 40 条提交,这真的很麻烦。有人知道如何将我的提示恢复为默认值吗?
操作系统是 RHEL。
我的提示如下(## 替换敏感信息):
on ! [backup-master] This is the fixes I need!
! [checkout] Added ## and ##. This commit may be garbage
* [master] Merge branch 'master' of /home/path/path
! [oldRval] Added top level cells ## and ##
- [master] Merge branch 'master' of /home/path/path
* [master^2] Changes to ## and level ##. Modified ## boost architecture
* [master^2^] Changes to all ##, some ##, many ##
* [master^2~2] many schematic changes. Updated ##. Updated ##
* [master~2] placement update done. ## done update and ongoing ## errors.
* [master~3] ongoing block
* [master~4] Updates to ##. Updated to ## for cleaner layout.
* [master~5^2] final fixes on ##. Separated ##.
* [master~5^2^] This is the fixes I need
* [master~6] Updated ##, ## and some ## with ## versions
+ [backup-master] this is the fixes I need
++* [checkout] Added XX and ## . This commit may be garbage
++*+ [oldRval] Added top level cells ## and ##
说实话,我不确定它为什么会起作用,但是当我输入命令“bash”时,提示符恢复正常。我一定是在某种 git 提示符下。