Bash 脚本:当上一个命令成功执行后,如何将 $? 的输出重定向到变量

Bash 脚本:当上一个命令成功执行后,如何将 $? 的输出重定向到变量
#! /bin/bash

# test.bash is trying to redirect output of $? which can be either 0 or non zero to variable. But following script gives only blank output to flag variable. Can you assist how to redirect $? value to variable? Why is it showing blank?

#check for 5 digit argument
read -p "Enter 5 digit Account Number `echo $'\n> '`" accNum
echo $accNum | grep "^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$" > flag
echo $? > flag
echo "flag is $flag"

以下是我的 test.bash:

~$ bash test.bash 
Enter 5 digit Account Number 
> asdf
flag is 
~$ bash test.bash 
Enter 5 digit Account Number 
> 11111
flag is 




# Check for 5 digit argument.
read -p "Enter 5 digit Account Number `echo $'\n> '`" accNum
echo $accNum | grep -q '^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$'
echo "flag is $flag"


  • 不需要重定向输出;
  • 分配给flag
  • 正则表达式用单引号引起来,而不是双引号,因为它包含$;并且
  • grep -q如果正则表达式匹配则抑制输出。
