Windows 11 笔记本电脑不断更改为错误的时间

Windows 11 笔记本电脑不断更改为错误的时间

好的,我的 Windows 11 笔记本电脑(联想 IdeaPad 5,大约 3.5 年了)出现了一个大问题,这个问题已经困扰我好几个月了,现在是时候解决它了。

问题是我的笔记本电脑一直在走时,也就是说,一整天时钟都会显示错误的时间,一开始会慢 5 到 10 分钟,到一天结束时会比正确时间慢 2 到 3 个小时。我经常右键单击时钟并选择“调整日期和时间”,然后选择“立即同步”,这样时钟就会从 服务器同步到正确时间,但不久之后它又开始走时。令人恼火的是,我已将“自动设置时区”和“自动设置时间”设置为 true,并且时间服务器设置为“”。我也尝试了“”,但问题并未得到解决。

网上有很多帖子,包括这里,都提到了这个问题,大多数答案要么是设置自动更新时间(我这样做了),要么是检查 CMOS 电池(没问题),要么是右键单击并手动更新时间。此外,还要运行 chkdsk 和/或 Dism /Online 命令并使用各种选项,然后重新启动等。我花了很多时间在网上搜索并阅读了各种有关同一问题的帖子,但没有一个答案对我有用。我试过的方法:

- Checked the option to set the time automatically, also unchecked it. 
- chkdsk and all the Dism /Online commands
- Synced with different time servers i.e. and 
- Checked if the CMOS battery is good (it is). 
- Booted into the UEFI setup and set the time there (this worked for a bit after the restart but after a couple of hours the clock started losing time again). 
- Manually started the Windows Time services in services.msc and changed the startup type to Automatic from Manual (it always gets set back to Manual though)
- net stop w32time -> w32tm /unregister -> w32tm /register -> net start w32time


Device Spec:
Processor   AMD Ryzen 7 4800U with Radeon Graphics            1.80 GHz
Installed RAM   16.0 GB (15.4 GB usable)
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch   No pen or touch input is available for this display

Windows Spec:
Edition Windows 11 Home
Version 23H2
Installed on    03/02/2024
OS build    22631.3085


Information 04/02/2024 15:28:02 Kernel-General  1   (5)
The system time has changed to 2024-02-04T15:28:02.500000000Z from 2024-02-04T16:16:18.958887700Z.
Time Delta: -2896458 ms
Change Reason: System time synchronized with the hardware clock.
Process: '' (PID 4).
RTC time: 2024-02-04T15:28:02.500000000Z
Current time zone bias: 0
RTC time is in UTC: true
System time was based on RTC time: false

Information 04/02/2024 15:52:09 Time-Service    158 None
The time provider 'VMICTimeProvider' has indicated that the current hardware and operating environment is not supported and has stopped. This behavior is expected for VMICTimeProvider on non-HyperV-guest environments. This may be the expected behavior for the current provider in the current operating environment as well.

Information 04/02/2024 15:52:11 Time-Service    37  None
The time provider NtpClient is currently receiving valid time data from,0x9 (ntp.m|0x9|>


如果有人有任何建议,我将不胜感激。我读过另一篇文章,说有人遇到了这个问题,甚至重新安装 Windows 也无法解决。很快我就得考虑买一台新笔记本电脑了,不能再这样下去了 :-|


我知道您说 CMOS 电池没问题。但是,您描述的症状(时钟缓慢漂移)极有可能是 CMOS 电池出现故障。我肯定会更换 CMOS 电池,以确保 100% 的可靠性。
